what the true situation is? [From audience: 50, 000. ] Fifty thousand,
and I think the last I saw of Maryland we were somewhere in the
neighborhood of 19, 000 votes behind.
Q. Governor, what do you think your major role is going to be in
the Nixon Administration?
A. These things will have to await my conversation in depth with
the President-elect, but I would assume the role will be the role he
indicated before the campaign started and that would be in the
Federal-State-City-County relationship area. And incidentally, I feel
very strongly that I want to sit down with governmental leaders at all
levels, if this is the task assigned me, at the earliest possible moment
to discuss these matters.
November 7, 1968
Although I am enthusiastic about undertaking the challenge of the
Vice Presidency on January 20, 1969, my anticipation is tempered by
regret that I must end my days as Governor of this Great State.
The past two years have been the most challenging and gratifying
in my life. I am grateful that I have had this opportunity to serve
and proud that we have accomplished so much in so short a time.
Yesterday, when I learned of victory, my first thoughts were of the
people of Maryland. I want to assure them that the State government
will continue to operate smoothly during the period of transition.
We are fully aware of the many complex details involved in a
change of administration. Even before the election, my staff began
preparing contingent plans for an orderly transition. While the resig-
nation of a Governor to assume the Vice Presidency is without prec-
edent in Maryland, it should be remembered that this transition is,
in essence, no different than the conventional changes in administra-
tion which have followed gubernatorial elections in the past.
Preparation of the budget and legislative program for the forth-
coming year has continued under the supervision of members of my
staff and department heads, working in close cooperation with Mary-
land's legislative leadership. There will be no interruption in the
important functions of State government.