A. Well, I guess I would have to say with regard to what my major
contribution is, this will have to await the analysis of other impartial
observers. I think this is probably the most difficult thing an in-
dividual can do — to make an assessment of his own capabilities. I
certainly wouldn't want to attempt it at this point.
Q. Were there times when you were afraid you might have been
hurting the ticket?
A. Naturally, when you receive criticism, I think any sensitive person
always is concerned about the fact that, when he is engaged in a
tandem effort and he is the secondary wheel on the vehicle, something
may occur that he is responsible for that may hurt the ticket. Yes,
you do get concerned about this and that is exactly what I meant
when I pointed out that during the times of criticism — and I am cer-
tainly not going to say that every bit of the criticism I received was
unjustified, because I realize that it wasn't; some of it was attributable
to lack of experience in a national campaign — Mr. Nixon's attitude
and his trust and confidence in me, his refusal to become upset about
these matters, was a great personal source of strength to me during
the campaign.
Q. Are you resigning before the Legislature meets?
A. I haven't made any plans about vacating the Governor's Office as
yet. I want to sit down with my staff, my Governor's staff as opposed
to the campaign staff, and some close advisors and discuss these mat-
ters. I expect we will be making decisions in the next couple of weeks
on that.
Q. Do you have any plans for meeting with Mr. Nixon?
A. As of the moment, no plans for a meeting. I spoke with Mr.
Nixon this morning and, as he indicated during his remarks on TV,
he is going to take a few days off. And I suppose when he comes
back, and if I am able to take a few days off, after that I suppose we
will get together.
Q. Where are you going?
A. Where are we going? It hasn't been definitely decided yet, but
I very well may go to the Virgin Islands where I have a condominium.
Q. Are you disappointed with the showing in your home state?
A. No, I really wasn't disappointed, but then I am not all ready to
write Maryland off because the absentee ballots have not been
counted. I understand — I get varying ideas about what they include
— they could include from 33 to 50, 000 votes. Does anyone know