1966, if I remember correctly. I want to discuss it with Mr. Wilson,
the chairman of the Trustees. I think you'll remember that we, in
our supplemental budget, gave a considerable amount of additional
money to the State College system and we felt it completely within
the prerogative of the Trustees as to how that money was to be spent.
So again this doesn't involve a judgment of the Governor's office, but
a judgment of the Board of Trustees of the State College system.
(Presidential Primary)
Q. Governor, if a presidential primary is decided upon it is going
to cost roughly $750, 000. Where's the State going to get the money?
A. I don't know. It has to be decided on before I begin to worry
about that.
Q. Is this a source of concern?
A. Well, at this moment I can't be concerned with every contingency
that may occur. I've got too many concerns that are here and im-
mediate such as deciding what to do with the Nelson Committee
recommendations with respect to the Medicaid crisis and so forth.
These are with us right now. I've got to tackle them before I take on
the contingent ones. Of course, I'm concerned about them.
(Meeting with Richard Nixon)
Q. Governor, will you be meeting with Richard Nixon in the near
A. Yes, as a matter of fact, Mr. Nixon has invited me to have lunch
with him tomorrow for the purpose of going over generally some mat-
ters of concern with respect to positions in the party. I think he wants
to let me know how he feels about certain very critical issues and to
get some of my thinking on them. I am delighted to communicate
with party leadership, and as a matter of fact we have a very grave
obligation as members of a political party to make certain that we
have the best possible communications. So I will go. I will return
tomorrow evening.
Q. In Washington?
A. This will be in New York.
Q. Would you expect to come out of the meeting flying the Nixon
flag, Governor? Will it change anything?
A. I'd say it's unlikely that I would do that. I don't expect to make
a quick judgment about what my posture's going to be in view of the
new developments with regard to Governor Rockefeller. We're still