Q. This was with reference to the scholarship program?
A. Yes, the scholarship program was funded, in the supplemental
budget, as I indicated at the time it was presented that it would be.
The scholarship program was no surprise when it went into the hop-
per really to the members of the General Assembly, because at a meet-
ing at Government House before the programs in specific were pre-
sented, I told them we were going to put it in. The reaction was much
delayed to that. And I don't question their quarreling with certain
parts of the scholarship program and I'm glad it's been sent to the
Legislative Council. But I do say that overall it's a very good program.
The expanding of the loan program is most important, and I think
you're going to find that there will be some reforms in it next year.
(Bowie State College)
Q. Governor, what do you think of the Bowie State situation?
A. I'm concerned about the Bowie State situation and have sent a
member of my staff to Bowie State. He was there yesterday and is
there right now. But I do believe that from what I have heard of it,
it's a college problem that relates primarily to judgments on the cur-
riculum of Bowie State and Dr. Myers hasn't been there very long. I
think he's doing everything he can to resolve this problem. We are
going to try to help in any way we can. But one thing I am com-
pletely aware of is this: Students always have objections to the way
colleges are run. I doubt if we'll ever change that. Our problem is to
make certain that we properly assess their objections and make
changes where they are indicated, but don't overreact. I don't think
we're going to overreact in this case.
Q. Dr. Myers seems to agree with some of the student complaints
A. Well, I'm sure there are some legitimate complaints, and if he
agrees to them it is a college matter that I would expect him and the
Board of Trustees of the State Colleges to take immediate steps to
clear up and clarify.
Q. Did you receive a delegation from the college today, Governor?
A. Did I receive one? No.
Q. Some of the students seem to feel they have second class facilities
over there. Do you think that is a legitimate complaint?
A. Well, that complaint seems to come not only from Bowie State
College but around the total educational system of this State and every
other state. I think Bowie State had some problems in this regard in