we are going to find that as the pressures mount that he may revise
his position. At least I certainly hope so.
(State Republican Politics)
Q. On the local scene, Governor, the Washington Post reported that
the State Central Committee Chairman denied that a secret meeting
was held in Baltimore at which time it was decided that Congressman
Mathias would be the Republican to run against Senator Brewster.
Do you have any other information on that subject?
A. The report is false. There was no secret meeting in Baltimore of
that type. I said previously that we, the Republican leadership in the
State, have met at the mansion — one night I remember particularly —
and we may have discussed the coming senatorial race at other meet-
ings that weren't called specifically for that purpose. There has been
no determination at this moment who will seek the senatorial seat.
The prime contenders, as was true weeks ago, are still Congressman
Mathias and Congressman Morton.
Q. That meeting at the mansion was around Thanksgiving, wasn't
A. It's been awhile back, and I would expect that very shortly we
should have a determination by the people involved as to who is
going to make that run. And again I don't anticipate any primary
between them.
Q. Governor, would you know at this moment who has the edge,
if anyone, between these two?
A. That's pretty hard to say because if I said that one did and the
other turned out to be the candidate, I would be a pretty poor prog-
nosticator. I don't really know. I think I narrowed it down pretty
much and am taking pretty heavy risks in saying it will be one of
them. There may be other worthy candidates. Certainly we've got a
lot of talent in the Party now that might feel insulted by being ex-
cluded. But I do think that because of the amount of participation
that these two men have had in Party affairs and because of their
service in government at a high level that they are the prime con-
Q. It is rather reliably reported that Mathias is preparing his cam-
paign. Do you have a comment?
A, I don't know. I haven't been helping him prepare it yet. If he
becomes a candidate, I will.