it is not of a serious enough nature for me to abandon my support of
the Constitution.
(School Law Revision)
Q. Governor, do you have any comment on the report of the State
School Law Revision Commission?
A. I just received that report, I guess a couple of hours ago, and I
think it's mostly a housekeeping job. There are a few things in the
report that relate to unifying the methods of appointing the county
school boards; there's a feature extending the term of office of school
board members from six to seven years. J don't see too much of a
controversial nature in the report at this point, but I haven't had an
opportunity to go over it thoroughly.
Q. How do you feel about the provision that the local government
should cut the school budget in the new plan but not below mini-
mums established by the State?
A. I think it's an intelligent consideration. We have our foundation
programs that are providing a tremendous amount of State assistance
to public education, and this would seem to be a provision that goes
hand in hand with that theory.
(Conflict of Interest)
Q. Governor, the Legislative Council has proposed a conflict of in-
terest measure for members of the General Assembly as well as pro-
visions instructing the Governor to set up a more broadly based code
of ethics for the executive branch. Do you support these proposals?
A. Yes, I do, and as a matter of fact when I met with the legislative
leaders yesterday we went over this particular provision. I don't in-
tend to be the sole author of whatever the executive branch recom-
mends. I suppose what I will do with these is to appoint a representa-
tive group of knowledgeable citizens to make suggestions in this
area — for the executive branch.
(National Republican Politics)
Q. Governor, in connection with the Oregon Presidential primary
are you encouraged by the fact that Governor Rockefeller submitted
a statement of noncandidacy that falls short of the necessary affidavit?
A. Well, that's sort of a left-handed encouragement in a way. I am
encouraged much more by the tremendous amount of public pressure
that is being put on the Governor to revise his position. I don't see
how a man as sensitive as Governor Rockefeller can fail to be im-
pressed by this groundswell of desire for his candidacy. I think that