and formula. There is nothing but apathy to stop the private employer
from writing his personal equal opportunity bill, by hiring someone
who needs help and who with training, patience and understanding
will develop constructive skills. Don't you agree it's worth the effort,
worth the time, and worth the trouble to do what we can do and
should do?
It is not government, but the initiative of people acting on their
own, that makes the world around us better and more livable. Just
imagine what tremendous improvement could be achieved in clearing
our air of pollution if private industry invested its time, money and
talent in attacking the problem before legislation was passed or tax
incentives were granted to force the issue. Just imagine how much
better and swifter would be the rejuvenation of our cities if private
capital and private effort were imaginatively put to the problem. In-
deed they are already being invested in removing the slums from
Brooklyn and creating new neighborhoods attractive to those who have
deserted the city but wish or could be tempted to return.
The vast amount of expenditure by government to do these things
has a direct relationship to the amount of energy we as private citi-
zens apply to these matters. The less we do, the more government is
forced to do. The less we invest, the more tax dollars government must
spend. This is a mathematically unsound proposition and, in human
terms, even more shameful. We can put a limitation on this waste by
calling ourselves to action. We can do it better and we can do it
As Governor, I will do my part. I have already put commissions to
work to study and untangle these problems, and have determined to
seek out the counsel of informed, enlightened and involved persons of
authority before issuing in the name of Maryland the ultimate pro-
But, don't look to me for instantaneous answers to every pressing
human and public challenge we engage, for I am but one man and
this will require the work and dedication of many. Only with your
help will solutions to the complex problems of these confusing and
conflicting times be found, and only with your insistence will the
greater day and the better life come to pass.
Let us face our task realistically but with optimism too, and remem-
ber that the answer is not somewhere in the winds but within our-
selves. We know this to be true. We know that by outrageous accident