respective states, we can accomplish this. We must make available the
things to do and places to see that will appeal to tourists. But we all
must be aware that visitors will not make Delmarva their destination
or linger with us until we learn to cater to their needs and desires.
We must provide the atmosphere of hospitality, courtesy and good
service travelers demand. To this end, the Delmarva Advisory Council
and the Salisbury Chamber of Commerce have initiated a brief course
for restaurant, motel and hotel employees to acquaint them with
proper techniques for accommodating the public and to promote
community pride and familiarity with the Peninsula's attractions.
The Wicomico County Board of Education is cooperating by prepar-
ing course material and providing facilities. This is the kind of pro-
gram that readily can be conducted by other Peninsula communities
and the resultant goodwill should be profitable in many ways.
The Peninsula abounds in tourist attractions, and it seem abun-
dantly obvious to me that tourism and recreation represent great
promise for the economic future of Delmarva. Our job is to plan and
prepare for that future when millions of new visitors from the ex-
panding megalopolis of the East will be seeking out these attractions
and open spaces. Our three states must continue to provide more
public facilities, more camping and recreation areas. And the political
subdivisions must meet the challenge of the future by planning and
zoning now for more orderly development.
In all of this, the Delmarva Advisory Council can play an important
role. I compliment you on the achievements you have made to date;
and as you seek to expand on these, I can assure you that you will
have the full cooperation of Maryland.
May 12, 1967
Mr. Hittman, Mr. Rouse, Mr. Johnson, Distinguished Guests, Ladies
and Gentlemen:
A Governor is expected to dedicate many buildings, cut numerous
ribbons and turn countless shovels of new earth during his term of
service. Invitations and participation in such programs are presumed
to be a tribute to the office and not necessarily to the man who hap-