Q. Mr. Bresler is, of course, very heavily involved in the urban re-
newal program in Washington as a redeveloper down there in the
Southwest area. Do you see any potential conflict between his duties
representing the State and the Department of Housing and Urban
Development and other federal agencies, and his own personal in-
terests in Washington?
A. No, I don't. We have discussed this area and should any pos-
sibility of conflict arise, Mr. Bresler will remove himself from such
Q. That is the private enterprises in Washington?
A. Yes.
Q. Governor, there has been a good deal of discussion as to the
makeup of the Constitutional Convention, and the commission recom-
mended today that members of the General Assembly not be per-
mitted to run. Would you care to comment on the kind of people you
would like to see in the Constitutional Convention?
A. Yes, I believe the restriction recommended by the commission
comes about because of the desire to pay the delegates to the Conven-
tion on a per diem basis, and this is in conflict with a prohibition to
that effect. Certainly, we have got to have the highest quality people
serve on this Constitutional Convention. I think we in government,
with the members of the Legislature and the Governor, should take
whatever steps are necessary to attempt to encourage people who have
the highest qualifications, who occupy positions of trust in business
and industry, to seek these positions. It's a very difficult job. It's going
to be a time-consuming job. It's going to be in many cases a thank-
less job, but we must have high caliber people in this important
position of trust.
Q. Governor, yesterday Commissioner Pomerleau proposed a $10, 115,
000 package from the State Legislature. Are you aware and fully be-
hind this program of the Police Department, of Baltimore City's needs?
A. I'm aware, certainly, of the proposals, and I am also aware of
the fact that Senator Hughes' committee has just completed its recom-
mendations on fiscal reform but has not yet transmitted them to me.
They have some thoughts in this area, and I would like to defer any
comments I might have about the scope of the program or how it's
to operate until I have an opportunity to see what the Hughes group
has recommended as a proper means of implementing this assistance.