A few days ago, in keeping with a practice which has been followed
by the President and the Congress of the United States, I issued a
proclamation designating "Loyalty Day" in Maryland, and asked
the people of this State to join with me in affirming support of our
form of government and its cardinal principles. In this proclamation,
I asked the people of Maryland to demonstrate this affirmation of
loyalty through the display of flags, demonstrations and other cere-
monies. I am grateful indeed that this Post of the Veterans of Foreign
Wars has seen fit to comply with my request and to stage these color-
ful and soul-stirring exercises to reawaken the people of this com-
munity as to their obligations and responsibilities as citizens of the
United States of America. Through the good offices and under the
sponsorship of the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States,
similar celebrations and similar demonstrations are being held
throughout our country.
We Americans take great pride in our patriotism — in our affection
and devotion to a country which has given us not only an abundant
life but a life in which we can enjoy peace, freedom, justice and
respect for human dignity. Our loyalty, as good citizens, is beyond
reproach, we all know, but I believe nevertheless that it is important
that we set aside this one day for a public demonstration of this
quality of loyalty to our country. But true patriotism, we all should
remember, is more than marchin bands, a display of flags, an explosion
of fireworks.
True patriotism is not only the belief in, but the practice of, the
cardinal virtues — faith, hope and love. It is faith in the noble prin-
ciples of democracy, faith in liberty, in justice, faith in essential good
qualities of human beings. It is hope in the future of democracy in
our nation which was founded on its principles. It is charity toward
all and malice toward none. True patriotism is loving one's country,
respecting its traditions and honoring its people, high or low, rich or
poor. True patriotism means standing firm and unselfish for the right,
for the common good, for the peace and well-being of all, sacrificing
self, if need be, and unafraid of any and all opposition.
So, on this Loyalty Day of 1963, let us give humble thanks to
Almighty God for this nation and for the principles of freedom and
liberty for which it stands. And with this thanksgiving, let us renew
our pledge that we, as proud American patriots, stand ready to make
any sacrifice we may be called upon to make to safeguard our govern-
ment, our freedom and our American way of life.