You have been selected to come here to this Model Youth Legis-
lature on the strength of your leadership. And so, it can be said of
each of you that you have ably demonstrated your capacity to become
responsible citizens and to assume leadership of your local com-
munities, your State and your nation in years to come. I know that
your experience here in these halls will be of great benefit to you
when you assume this role
Benjamin D'Israeli, who served as Prime Minister in the era of
Great Britain's greatest resurgence, called the youth of his nation the
"trustees of posterity. " It is as trustees of posterity — as guardians
of the future of Maryland and the United States of American — that
I should like for you to consider yourselves. Upon your shoulders,
within the very near future, will fall the heavy burden of enacting,
enforcing and administering the laws your country will need to see
it through one of the really critical periods of its history. I ask you
to consider these responsibilities gravely and to resolve that you will
bear them with courage and determination.
The training you receive here at this Model Legislature will be of
great and lasting service to you in your tasks. You will learn by
experience you will equip yourselves to handle the problems and bear
the responsibilities of the future. In brief, you are preparing your-
selves for good citizenship, and since good citizenship produces good
government, your local communities, your State and your nation will
benefit from your activities here.
May I say again that it is a real pleasure to greet you and extend
to you a warm hand of welcome to our capital city. I hope your stay
here has been a pleasant one, and may you find both enjoyment and
profit from your attendance at this 1963 Model Youth Legislature.
May 4, 1963
Mr. Commander, other officers and members of Choptank Memorial
Post No. 7460, Veterans of Foreign Wars, ladies and gentlemen:
I am delighted to be here again this year as the Veterans of Foreign
Wars, their guests and others of this community meet to reaffirm our
loyalty to the country we love and reassert our faith in the great
principles upon which it was founded.