$6, 503 from State funds and $38, 173, form local sources. The project
was submitted to the Appalachian Regional Commission by Robert
G. Garner, of Cumberland, the Maryland member of the A. R. C. The
Commission is composed of representatives of the 12 Appalachian
States plus a federal representative. The application was prepared by
Garrett County officials in cooperation with the State Departments
of Education and Economic Development. The project had previously
been endorsed by the Appalachian Maryland Development Council,
a group of government and civic leaders from Washington, Allegany
and Garrett Counties appointed by the Governor.
The $111, 688 provided under the Appalachian program is made
available by Section 214 of the Appalachian Act, which supplements
the federal share of grant-in-aid programs. Such funds under the Act
may be used to increase the federal share of libraries, vocational edu-
cational schools, airports, hospitals, and a variety of other federally-
aided projects in the 12-state Appalachian region.