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Executive Records, Governor J. Millard Tawes, 1959-1967
Volume 82, Volume 2, Page 86   View pdf image (33K)
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be removed upon the completion of the planned highway system,
which I am advised should come about by 1971.

The old National Pike — which is now Route 40 — is one of the
oldest and most famous highways in the United States. It was a main
artery of communication between the eastern seaboard and the Ohio
Valley many years before our Republic was founded. It was also a
beautiful high road. It is our aspiration, and our intent, to recapture
the traditional beauty and the traditional utility of the National Pike
in the plans we have for the construction of highways in this area
in the immediate future.

As I have said, the Creator has smiled upon your fair land and
has showered his gifts upon these mountains, and valleys and plains.
The handicaps and the adversities it has suffered are the result of
man's neglect and man's myopia. Our gratitude for God's gifts can

best be expressed by supplanting neglect by solicitude, and short-
sightedness by broad vision.



May 13, 1966

The Appalachian Regional Commission today approved a grant
of $111, 688 in federal Appalachian funds toward the expansion and
remodeling of the Ruth Enlow Library in Garrett County, Governor
J. Millard Tawes announced today.

In announcing the grant, Governor Tawes stated, "This project
will contribute significantly to the improvement of the cultural and
human resources of Garrett County. Expansion of the library will
enable it to serve more effectively all residents of the county as well
as outside visitors and to support new vocational educational facilities
being established at each of the area's two high schools. I therefore
warmly welcome the Commission's action in approving this project. "

The Commission action now goes to the Secretary of Commerce
for final approval and to the Secretary of Health, Education and
Welfare for implementation under the Appalachian Regional De-
velopment Act of 1965. The total cost of the project is $223, 376, of
which |67, 012 will be provided under the Library Services Act,



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Executive Records, Governor J. Millard Tawes, 1959-1967
Volume 82, Volume 2, Page 86   View pdf image (33K)
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