establishing this award to spur the interest of young people in science
and to gain national recognition for Maryland in this field. Certainty
in these times, when the survival of human beings may be determined by
the progress we make in scientific endeavor, any effort to generate interest
and activity in scientific research is a commendable deed. I should like,
also, to express the gratitude of the people of Maryland to the Academy
for the valuable services it has rendered in matters of public interest. I
will cite just one: Its participation in the program of our State govern-
ment to develop the economy of Maryland by promoting science-based
industries in our State.
Maryland, we believe, is so situated geographically as to give it unique
advantages for the location of research and development firms and
industries based on science. Last March, I, in cooperation with our
Department of Economic Development, called a conference to discuss
this important subject. At the time, I noted that what has been desig-
nated as the "Maryland Science-Industry Triangle"—the area fanning
out from the Baltimore-Washington axis—is one of the nation's most
logical locations for science-based industry. The proximity to the seat
of our federal government, together with the Port of Baltimore and the
traditional accessibility of Maryland to North, South and West, all com-
bine to give this area unusual advantages in research and development.
The area around Prince Georges and Montgomery Counties is part of a
complex which represents the country's fifth largest scientific community.
The Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory, the Atomic Energy
Commission, the National Institute of Health, the Operations Re-
search Organization, Emerson Radio, ACF, Litton, Robodyne—these are
only a few research and development activities, public and private,
which have established themselves in that area. The National Bureau
of Standards and the Environmental Health Facility of the Department
of Health, Education and Welfare are among those coming shortly.
One of the most important elements in any science-industry complex
is the academic atmosphere and facilities available, and here in the
Maryland Science-Industry Triangle we have several institutions of
higher learning offering advanced engineering and scientific training.
We believe we have the capacity to develop these resources to the ful-
lest, and we believe we have embarked upon the right course to assure
a great future for our State in the space age.
As I have said, the Maryland Academy of Sciences played a key
role in launching this undertaking, and we are expecting its continued
help and advice as we pursue the task.