sed upon the said city, town and counties, to which the same are
respectively advanced, above the proportion of the said city, town
and counties, in the general tax.
That such bedding, and covering and fuel, as the council of
safety shall judge fit and proper, be provided for the said troops at
the provincial expense.
That proper tents and cainp utensils be provided by the council
of safety for the said troops at the expense of this province, the
said tents to be used as soon as the season will permit.
Mr. Johnson brings in and delivers to Mr. President a report
from the committee appointed to report rules and regulations for
the government of the forces to be raised in this province, which
was read and considered, and agreed to as follows:
Rules for regulating and governing the forces to be raised and em-
ployed in the service of the province of Maryland.
ARTICLE 1. It is earnestly recommended to all officers and sol-
diers to attend divine service when their situation will permit, and
all officers and soldiers who shall behave irreverently at any place
of divine worship, shall, if commissioned officers, be brought be-
fore a court martial, there to be publicly and severely reprimanded
by the president; if a non-commissioned officer or soldier shall so
offend, he shall, for the first offence, forfeit one day's pay, and for the
second and every after offence, he shall not only forfeit the like
sum, but be confined for any tune not exceeding twenty-four hours.
2. Whatever commissioned or non-commissioned officer or sol-
dier shall use any profane oath or execration, shall incur the pen-
alties expressed in the preceding article. And whatsoever com-
missioned or non-commissioned officer or soldier shall practice any
species of gaming, shall pay such fine, or suffer such punishment,
as may be adjudged.
3. Any officer or soldier who shall behave himself with con-
tempt or disrespect towards the colonel or other chief officer of the
land forces in the pay of this province, or shall speak false words,
tending to his hurt or dishonor, shall be punished according to the
nature and degree of his offence.
4. Any officer or soldier who shall utter any words tending to
raise a mutiny, or shall endeavour to cause any mutiny or make
any mutinous assemblages, shall be punished according to the
nature and degree of his offence.
5. Any officer or soldier who shall excite, cause, or join in any
actual mutiny,in the battalion, or in any company in the pay of this
province, or in any party, post, detachment, or guard, shall suffer
«ath, or such other punishment as may be adjudged.