do swear, that I will well and truly execute my office according to
the within commission, and the trust reposed in me according to
the best of my power and ability; and that I will disband and lay
down my arms whenever I shall be ordered so to do by the con-
vention of Maryland for the time being, or any authority derived
under it. So help me GOD."
That the council of safety, or any one member thereof, on the
application of any person who is detained as having entered or
been enlisted as aforesaid in the service of this province, or on the
application of any person in his behalf, within twenty days after
his having been detained as aforesaid, may and shall, with all con-
venient speed, inquire and examine into the manner of such enter-
ing or enlistment, and if it shall appear that such person did not
enter or enlist voluntarily, or was fraudulently induced to enter or
enlist, then the council of safety, or such member thereof as afore-
said, shall discharge such person.
That such of the said forces as the said council of safety shall
approve, be armed with rifles, and the residue of them be armed
and accoutred, as soldiers are usually armed and accoutred
with the public arms already belonging to this province, and
arms to be provided at the public expense, as soon as they can/
be procured, and in the mean time such who cannot be provided
with public arms, may use their own firelocks, and every man who
shall find his own rifle, shall be allowed at the rate of twenty shil-
lings by the year for the use thereof, and those who shall find other
fire-locks for their own use, shall be allowed each at the rate of fif-
teen shillings per year, for the use of such fire-locks.
That if any officer or soldier of the regular forces, minute men,
or militia, in the service of this province, shall loose a limb, or be
Otherwise maimed or hurt, so as to be rendered incapable of earn-
ing a livelihood, this province will make provision for the comfort-
able support of such officer or soldier.
That such sums of money as may be necessary to provide houses
for the said troops during the winter season, be by the permission
and allowance of the council of safety advanced, out of the trea-
suries of the respective shores on which such troops are stationed,
by the commanding officer of the said battalion, and captains of
the said independent companies, to be by them respectively laid
out in providing the said houses.
That the said treasurers respectively keep account of such mo-
neys, charging the said city of Annapolis, town of Baltimore, and
counties aforesaid, with the sums of money respectively advanced for
the purposes aforesaid, which sums of money shall hereafter be asses-