Mr. Scott brings in and delivers to Mr. President a draught of
instructions for the deputies representing this province in con-
gress, which was read the first time and ordered to lie on the table.
Convention adjourned till to-morrow morning half after nine
SATURDAY, January 6, 1776.
Convention met. All members present as on yesterday. The
proceedings of yesterday were read. Mr. John Reeder, jun. a
members for Saint Mary's county, appeared and took his seat in
the house. Mr. John Allen Thomas has leave of absence.
The convention elected by ballot the following persons field
officers for the militia: Mr. Henery Hooper brigadier-general of
the lower district on the eastern shore. Mr. James Lloyd Cham-
berlaine of the upper district. Mr. John Dent of the lower dis-
trict on the western shore. Mr. Andrew Buchanan of the middle
distiict. Mr. Thomas Johnson, jun. of the upper district.
Resolved, That the said brigadiers-general rank in the following
manner, to wit. Brigadier-general Johnson, 1st. Brigadier-general
Hooper, 2d. Brigadier-general Dent, 3d. Brigadier-general Cham-
beilaine, 4th. Brigadier-general Buchanan, 5th.
On motion, Resolved, That the acceptance of a superior office
in the militia of this province be a vacation of the inferior office.
Upper battalion. Mr. Jeremiah Jordan, colonel; Mr. John Reider,
jun. lieutenant-colonel; Mr. James Eden, 1st major; Mr. John
Hanson Briscoe, 2d major; Mr. James Mills, quarter-master.
Lower battalion. Mr. Richard Barnes, colonel; Mr. John Hatton
W, Lieutenant-colonel Mr. Ignatius Fenwick, jun. 1st major;
Mr. Samuel Abell, sen. 2d major; Mr. Hugh Hopewell, jun. quarter-
Upper battalion. Mr. William Harrison, colonel; Mr. Samuel
Hanson, of Samuel, lieutenant-colonel; Mr. Kenelm Truman
Stoddert, 1st major; Mr. Samuel Hanson, jun. 2d; Mr. Walter
Hanson, quarter-master. Lower battalion. Mr. Josias Hawkins
colonel; Mr. Robert T. Hooe, lieutenant-colonel; Mr John Mar-
shall, 1st major; Mr. John Harris, 2d; Mr. John Nathan Smoot,
Adjourned till 3 o'clock.
Convention met. Mr. Thomas Wright, Mr. Sim, and Mr. Tyler,
have leave of absence. Mr. Letherbury appeared in the house.