to the numbers drawn, the second day number two to take the place
of number one, and number one the place of number eight, and so
on, that equals may each in turn have the most honorable place,
and every man may be instructed to act in any part of a battalion,
as occasion may require
That to avoid a needless and insupportable expense, no person
after the tenth day of May next, wear any uniform at exercise,
either in single companies or in battalion, but hunting shirts, the
officers distinguishing themselves from the privates by different
feathers, cockades, or the like, as fancy may direct.
Convention adjourns till to-morrow morning half after 9 o'clock.
FRIDAY, January 5, 1776.
Convention met. All members present as on yesterday. The
proceedings of yesterday were read. Mr. Sluby appeared in the
house. Mr. Bishop has leave of absence.
On motion, Resolved, That the several committees of observa-
tion purchase the whole of the sulphur in iheir respective coun-
ties, provided it is to be had at six pence per pound, and that they
transmit the same, with an account thereof, as soon as may be, to
Messrs. William Lux and Daniel Bowly, of Baltimore town; and
that the committees of observation be empowered to draw on the
treasurer of their respective shore, for as many of the bills of credit
of this province as may be wanted; as well for the purposes afore-
said, as for any expenses to be incurred in removing the sulphur to
Baltimore town.
Ordered, That the clerk make out and transmit copies of the
above resolve to the several committees of observation for each
county in this province.
On motion, Resolved, That the several counties in this province
be divided into the following districts, to wit: St. Mary's, Charles,
Calvert, and Prince George's counties, into one district. Anne
Arundel, Baltimore, and Harford counties, into another district.
Frederick county into another district. Cecil, Kent, Queen Anne's
and Talbot counties, into another district. Dorchester, Caroline,
Somerset, and Worcester counties, into another district.
That to each of the said districts or brigades, there be one briga-
dier-general, a quarter-master, and an adjutant.
Adjourned till three o'clock.
Convention met. Mr. J. Dashiell has leave of absence till Mon-
day next.