every man having property in, a common interest with, and an at-
tachment to, the community, ought to have a right of suffrage.
"6. Thai the legislative, executive and judicial powers of govern-
ment, ought to be forever separate and distinct from each other.
" 7. That no power of suspending laws, or the execution of laws,
unless by or derived from the legislature, ought to be exeicised or
''8. That freedom of speech, and debates, or proceedings, in the le-
gislature, ought not to be impeached in any other court or judicature.
"9. That a place for the meeting of the legislature ought to be
fixed, the most convenient to the members thereof, and to the de-
pository of the public records, and the legislature ought not to be
convened or held at any other place but from evident necessity.
" 10. That for the redress of grievances, and for amending,
strengthening and preserving the laws, the legislature ought to be
frequently convened.
" 11. That every man hath a right to petition the legislature for
the redress of grievances, in a peaceable and orderly manner.
" 12. That no aid, charge, tax, burthen, fee, or fees, ought to be
set, rated, or levied, under any pretence, without the consent of
the legislature.
" 13. That the levying taxes by the poll is grievous and oppres-
sive, and ought to be abolished; that paupers ought not to be as-
sessed for the support of government, but every other person in
the state ought to contribute his proportion of public taxes for
the support of government according to his actual worth in
real or personal property within this state; yet fines, duties or
taxes may properly and justly be imposed or laid with a political
view for the good government and benefit of the community.
" 14. That sanguinary laws ought to be avoided, as far as is con-
sistent with the safety of the state; and no law to inflict cruel and
unusual pains and penalties ought to be made, in any case, or at
any time hereafter.
" 15. That retrospective laws, punishing facts committed before
the existence of such laws, and by them only declared criminal,
are oppressive, unjust, and incompatible with liberty; wherefore no
ex post facto law ought to be made.
"16. That no law to attaint particular persons of treason or fe-
lony, ought to be made in any case, or at any time hereafter.
" 17. That every freeman for any injury done to him in his per-
son or property, ought to have remedy by the course of the law of
the land, and ought to have justice and right, freely without sale,
fully without any denial, and speedily without delay, according to
the law of the land.
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