they are hereby authorized and required to assess and levy, by three
equal assessments, in the years seventeen hundred and seventy-sev-
en, seventeen hundred and seventy-eight, and seventeen hundred
and seventy-nine, with their public and county levy, any sum not
exceeding thirteen hundred pounds common money, in and upon
the inhabitants of Washington county, together with the sheriff's
salary of such a per centum as may be hereafter allowed for collec-
tion of the same; which said sum, so to be assessed and levied,
shall be collected by the sheriff of Washington county from the in-
habitants thereof, in the same manner as other public and county
levies shall be hereafter by law collected, and the said money, when
collected, shall be paid by the said sheriff to the commissioners of
Washington county aforesaid, and shall be by them applied towards
building the court house and prison in the said county.
Resolved, That the justices of Montgomery county shall be and
they are hereby authorized and required to assess and levy with the
public and county levy, by three equal assessments, in the years
seventeen hundred and seventy-seven, seventeen hundred and sev-
enty-eight, and seventeen hundred and seventy-nine, any sum not
exceeding thirteen hundred pounds common money, together with
the sheriff's salary of such a per centum as may hereafter be allow-
ed for collecting the same; which said money, so to be assessed
and levied, shall be collected by the sheriff of Montgomery coun-
ty from the inhabitants of the said county, in the same manner as
other public and county levies are by law collected; which said
money when collected shall be paid by the said sheriff to the com-
missioners of Montgomery county aforesaid, and applied by them
towards building the court house and prison aforesaid for the said
Resolved, That the commissioners of the said counties respec-
tively, or the major part of them, shall be, and they are hereby au-
thorized and required to contract and agree for the building of the
said court house and prison on the land to be purchased as afore-
Resolved, That all causes, pleas, process and pleadings, which now
are or shall be depending in Frederick county court, before the first
day of December next, shall and may be prosecuted as effectually as
they might have been had these resolves never been made; and in
case any deeds or conveyances of land in Washington county or
Montgomery county, have been, or shall be before the division
aforesaid, acknowledged according to law in Frederick county, the
enrollment and recording thereof within the time limited by law,
either in the county court of Frederick county, or in the county