ed by him for that purpose; and such payment for the land afore-
said shall invest the justices of Montgomery county and their suc-
cessors with an estate in fee simple therein for the use of the said
county for ever : and if the said commissioners or the major part
of them, and the owner of the said land, shall differ about the value
of the said land, in such case the commissioners or the major part
of them shall be, and they are hereby authorized and empowered to
order the sheriff of Montgomery county to summon twelve freehold-
ers upon the said land, who shall be empanneled and sworn as a
jury, to enquire the value of the said land; and the said commis-
sioners or the major part of them shall draw their order upon the
sheriff of Montgomery county to pay the said valuation; and the
said sheriff is hereby directed to pay the said order out of the mo-
ney hereafter mentioned to be by him collected for that purpose;
and upon his payment of the said order, the fee simple in the said
land shall be invested, as aforesaid, in the justices of Montgomery
county and their successors for the use of the said county for ever.
Resolved, That the justices of Washington and Montgomery
counties, or the major part of them, respectively, be and they are
hereby authorized to contract and agree for a convenient place in
each of the said counties, to hold the courts for the said counties,
and to contract and agree for a convenient place in each of the
said counties for their books, papers, and other records, and also
for a fit building for the custody of the prisoners; and the said
courts shall be held, and records kept, at such places respectively,
until the court house and prison for the said counties respectively
shall be erected and built; and the charge and expense of such
places shall be defrayed by the said counties respectively, and asses-
sed with the public and county levy.
Resolved, That the justices of the said counties respectively shall
be and they are hereby authorized and required to assess and levy,
on the taxable inhabitants of the said counties respectively, with
the public and county levy, as much money as will pay for the
purchase or valuation of the land aforesaid, together with the sher-
iff's salary of such per centum as may be hereafter allowed for col-
lection of the same; which said sum shall be collected by the sher-
iffs of the said counties respectively, from the inhabitants of the
said counties respectively, in the same manner as other public and
county levies may be by law hereafter collected; and the said mo-
ney, when collected, shall be paid by the sheriffs to such person or
persons as the commissioners aforesaid, or the major part of them,
shall order and direct.
Resolved, That the justices of Washington county shall be, and