Mr. J. Wilson, Mr. T. Wright, Mr. Gco. Scott,
Fischer, S. Wright, Lowes,
Schiiver, Edmondson, Mason,
Bond, Gibson, Chaiile.
The convention then proceeded to take the same into conside-
ration, which was agreed to as follows:
Whereas, it appears to this convention, that the erecting two new
counties out of Frederick county will conduce greatly to the ease
and covenience of the people thereof:
Resolved, That after the first day of October next, such part of
the said county of Frederick as is contained within the bounds and
limits following, to wit:—beginning at the place where the tempo-
rary line crosses the south mountain, and running thence by a line
on the ridge of the said mountain to the river Potowrnac, and
thence with the lines of the said county so as to include all the
lands to the westward of the line running on the ridge of the south
mountain as aforesaid to the beginning, shall be and is hereby erect-
ed into a new county by the name of Washington county.
Resolved, That after the first day of October next, such part of
the said county of Frederick as is contained within the bounds and
limits following, to wit: beginning at the east side of the mouth
of Rock creek on Potowmac river, and running with the said river
to the mouth of Monocacy, then with a straight line to Par's spring,
from thence with the lines of the county to the beginning, shall be
and is hereby erected into a new county by the name of Montgo-
mery county.
Resolved, That the inhabitants of the said counties of Washing-
ton and Montgomery shall have, hold, and enjoy, all such rights
and privileges, as are held and enjoyed by the inhabitants of any
county in this state.
Resolved, That Messrs. Joseph Sprigg, Joseph Smith, John
Barnes, Andrew Rench, Daniel Hughs, William Yates, and Con-
rad Hogmire, shall be and are hereby appointed commissioners for
Washington county; and they or the major part of them shall be
and are hereby authorized and required to buy and purchase in fee,
a quantity of land not exceeding four acres, at or adjoining such
place as a majority of voters within the limits of the said county,
qualified as this convention shall hereafter direct, the election to be
held at the place heretofore appointed for the choosing of delegates
in this convention (the said commissioners giving ten days notice
of the place and time of voting) for the purpose of building there-
on a court house and prison for the said county; and shall cause