refusals to act, or the person or persons who might act, being out
of this state : Provided every such person to be appointed inspec-
tor be first recommended as such by at least twenty reputable
planters, and none of the said inspectors shall continue such by
virtue of the said appointments, beyond the said tenth day of No-
vember, and that every of them, before they act as inspector, take
the oath of office.
That the public shall not be liable in any event for the tobacco
which may be carried to any of the warehouses before the said tenth
day of November, nor shall any inspector be liable to make good any
such, if the same shall happen to be destroyed by enemies, or be
otherwise lost without the negligence of the inspector.
That no inspector, who shall act in virtue of these resolutions,
shall be entitled to any salary or allowance, other than two shillings
and six pence currency for every hogshead of tobacco he shall in-
spect, which shall be paid to him at the time of his delivering his
note for such tobacco: And there shall also be paid to the seve-
ral inspectors for warehouse rent, at the time of delivering out
such tobacco, one shilling per hogshead, to be accounted for by
them to the proprietor of the warehouse, or the public respectively.
Ordered, That one hundred and eighty copies of the above re-
solutions be immediately printed, and transmitted to the several
counties of this state.
On reading a second time the ordinance for the division of Fre-
derick county, on motion, the question was put, That the conside-
ration thereof be postponed till the next session of convention ?
Carried in the negative.
Mr. Barnes, Mr. Paca, Mr. Ridgely,
Semmes, Wootton, Deye,
Parnham, Bayly, Stevenson,
Fitzhugh, Williams, J. Smith,
J. Mackall, Sheredine, H. Wilson,
Bowie, Edelen, Love,
Hall, Beall, Archer,
Sprigg, Hughs, Brevard,
Marbury, Stull, T. Ringgold,
Hammond, Schnebely, Johnson.
Mr. Hooe, Mr. W. Ringgold, Mr. Goldsborough,
Dent, Earle, Murray,
Carroll, T. Smyth, Gus. Scott,