unless when the public service may require, that they should march
to some other part of this province, any thing in the proceedings
of the last convention, or the committee of observation for Queen
Anne's county notwithstanding.
Resolved, That the said two companies meet and exercise to-
gether at such times and places, on the said island, as the field of-
ficers of the battalion to which they belong shall appoint, not of-
tener than once in every week, nor seldomer than once in every
two months, the day of their exercising together being accounted
as the day of exercise for the week.
Resolved, That captain George Noble Sweat's company of mili-
tia, in Queen Anne's county, be added to the twentieth battalion of
militia of this province.
On motion, Resolved, That all petitions, applications and reports
to convention this present session, and all petitions, applications,
and reports to convention in their last session, whereon no final
order hath been made, be referred for consideration to the next ses-
sion of convention.
On motion, Resolved, That nine persons, five of whom residing
on the western, and four on the eastern shore, be elected by ballot
a council of safety, and be and continue such until the end of the
next session of convention; and that until that time, they, or any
iour of them, having taken the oath prescribed to be taken by the
council of safety, by a resolution of the last session of convention,
shall have and exercise the like and same powers, as the present
council of safety had or might exercise under the resolutions of
the last session of convention, from the time of their appointment
until the end of this session.
The ballots being accordingly taken, Daniel of St. Thomas Jeni-
fer, Charles Carroll, barrister, John Hall, Benjamin Rumsey, and
George Plater, Esquires, of the western shore, and James Tilgh-
man, Thomas Smyth, Thomas Bedingfield Hands, and William
Hayward, Esquires, of the eastern shore, appeared to be and were
declared duly elected.
Resolved, That each member of the council of safety be allowed
and paid fourteen shillings common money, out of the treasury of
this province, for every day such member shall sit, or be absent from
home on public business.
The journal of accounts was read and assented to.
Ordered, That the treasurer of the western shore pay the several
sums allowed in the same.
Ordered, That James Hollyday and Jeremiah Townley Chase,
esqrs., revise the journal of the proceedings of this convention.