Arundel county, and George French and Joshua Tesstill of Fred-
erick county, have applied to this convention to be relieved from
the fine assessed on them respectively for not enrolling, and this
convention not having time now fully to examine into the merits of
the several applications, Resolved, That the committee forbear to
levy the said fines until the end of the next session of convention,
and to stay all further proceedings therein.
On motion, Resolved, That a pay-master be appointed for the
eastern shore, and that he be allowed the sum of twelve dollars per
month for executing the said office.
Resolved, That the said pay-master, before he enter upon the
execution of his office, give bond with sufficient security, in the
sum of five thousand pounds current money, payable to the hon-
orable Matthew Tilghman and James Lloyd Chamberlaine, esqrs.,
for the due execution of his said office.
Resolved, That the sum of twelve dollars per month be from
henceforth deducted from the salary of the pay-master of the west-
ern shore.
Mr. Robert Lloyd Nicols was elected by ballot to the said office
of paymaster for the eastern shore.
Whereas, it is highly necessary that regular and methodical ac-
counts of all public monies should be kept, that the due expenditure
thereof may at all times be readily evinced, it is Resolved, That a com-
mittee or board of two persons be appointed, who shall and may, in
the recess of convention, cause a set of books to be opened, and
proper accounts to be raised, entered and made up, of the expendi-
ture, loan, or other disposition, of all public moneys by or under
the authority of convention; and for that purpose, that the said
committee, or board, be empowerd to appoint and employ a skilful
accountant. Each of the said two persons to be allowed fourteen
shillings for every day he shall be employed in the service afore-
said, and the said accountant to be allowed and paid such reasona-
ble reward, as the said committee, or board, shall agree for with
Mr. Ringgold and Mr. Richardson were elected by ballot to com-
pose the said board.
It is declared, that the captain of the company of light infantry,
having an elder commission, is entitled to and hath precedence of
any captain having a commission of a later date.
The convention having on motion, considered the situation of
the officers and privates of captains Barnes' and Elliott's compa-
nies of militia, in Kent island, do Resolve, That the said compa-
nies be not hereafter obliged to join in battalion off the said island,