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Proceedings of the Conventions of the Province of Maryland, 1774-1776
Volume 78, Page 144   View pdf image (33K)
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displace, nor could properly have any influence towards displacing
any individual of either of those bodies, however unequal he might
be to his public station. But that such representations being in-
deed false, the calumny might have proved highly prejudicial to the
cause of America in general and to this province in particular.

That this convention are therefore of opinion, that justice would
well warrant a more exemplary punishment to be inflicted on the
said Samuel Purviance for his said misdoings; but that in consid-
eration of his active zeal in the common cause, and in expectation
that he will hereafter conduct himself with more respect to the
public bodies necessarily entrusted with power mediately or imme-
diately by the people of this province, and will be more attentive
to propriety, this convention hath resolved, that the said Samuel
Purviance for his said conduct be censured and reprimanded, and
that Mr. President do from the chair censure and reprimand him
accordingly, and that he be thereupon discharged.

And thereupon, the said Samuel Purviance, junior, being called
in, and being at the bar of this house, Mr. President communicated
to him the resolve of convention, and did censure and reprimand
him accordingly.

On motion, Resolved, That a committee be appointed to view
and value the linen manufactured and transmitted to the council of
safety by Edward Parker, of Cecil county, in pursuance of his en-
gagement with the convention at their session in December last;
and Mr. Hooe, Mr. Gilpiri, Mr. Ewing, Mr. Charnberlaine, and Mr.
Contee, were elected by ballot a committee for that purpose.

Adjourned till 3 o'clock.


Met according to adjournment. Mr. Rumsey has leave of ab-

The committee for that purpose appointed, bring in and deliver
to Mr. President, a report on the memorial of Edward Lloyd, esq.
which was read and ordered to lie on the table.

On reading a second time the proceedings of the committee of
observation for Prince George's county, relative to the Rev. Mr.
John Eversfield, Resolved, That in consideration of the age and in-
firmities of the said John Eversfield, and his want of abilities to
exert any dangerous influence, that he be discharged, on paying
the expenses of his confinement.

Mr. T. Johnson brings in and delivers to Mr. President a re-
port from the committee appointed to consider of and report pro-
per alterations or additions to the resolutions of convention, for en-


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Proceedings of the Conventions of the Province of Maryland, 1774-1776
Volume 78, Page 144   View pdf image (33K)
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