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Proceedings of the Conventions of the Province of Maryland, 1774-1776
Volume 78, Page 143   View pdf image (33K)
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conduct of Alexander M'Gee, a petition from Joseph Renshaw of
Baltimore county, and a petition from the freeholders and associa-
tors of Sassafras neck, Cecil county, were severally read and or-
dered to lie on the table.

The convention taking into consideration the resolutions of Sat-
urday last on the charge against Samuel Purviance, jun., of Balti-
more town,

Resolved, That Samuel Purviance, jun., be called before this
convention, and be informed by Mr. President of the resolutions
had on Saturday last on the articles of charge against him, and
further, that this convention highly disapprove and condemn his
conduct in usurping the power to direct the operations of the mili-
tary force of this province, and in using his character of chairman,
and engaging the countenance and promising the protection and
indemnity of the committee, without the orders of the committee,
assembled as such. That it appears to this convention, that the
said Samuel Purviance in his usurpation of the power to direct the
military force of this province, was considerably influenced by a
person not residing in this province, nor having any interest or pro-
perty therein, and that it would be of the most dangerous tenden-
cy to the peace of this province, and to the safety and security of
the good people thereof, to suffer any person or persons, other than
those entrusted with the proper authority by this province, and
more especially such as do not reside nor have any interest there-
in, to interfere in the direction of the internal affairs, civil or mili-
tary, of the said province. That this convention hath no intention
or desire to prevent any person from freely examining into the con-
duct of the convention, or any other public body within this pro-
vince, or into the conduct of any individuals thereof, or to exercise
his judgment, or to communicate his sentiments as to the abilities
or fitness of any man to fill the office to which he is appointed.
That it is necessary for the purpose of filling the places of highest
trust with the best and most approved characters in the community,
and for the preservation of public liberty, that there should be
such free investigations. But that it is equally necessary for main-
taing order, that the public bodies should not be wantonly and
licentiously traduced by misrepresentations of them and their con-
duct, to those especially who stand high in the present system of
authority or command in America. That if the representations of
the said Samuel Purviance concerning the convention and council
of safety to the president of the congress and general Lee were
true, such representations could not be serviceable to the public,
because neither the president of the congress nor general Lee could


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Proceedings of the Conventions of the Province of Maryland, 1774-1776
Volume 78, Page 143   View pdf image (33K)
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