The convention took into their consideration the report from the
committee appointed to report on the resolution of congress of the
15th instant, and thereupon came to the following resolutions.
Resolved unanimously, That the people of this province have the
sole and exclusive right of regulating the internal government and
police of this province.
Resolved unanimously, That it is the opinion of this convention,
that this convention hath ample power to draw the whole force of
this province into action against the artned force that is, or maybe
employed to carry into execution the several unconstitutional and
oppressive acts of the British parliament for laying taxes in Ameri-
ca, to enforce the collection of those taxes, and for altering and
changing the constitution and internal police of some of the united
Resolved unanimously, That this province has hitherto exerted it-
self, and will upon all occasions continue to exert itself, with cheer-
fulness and alacrity, in the common cause, agreeable to the faith
pledged in the union of the colonies: and if it shrill appear to this
province necessary to enter into a further compact with the other
colonies for the preservation of the constitutional rights of Ameri-
ca, this province will enter into such further engagement for that
Resolved unanimously, That this convention, by a resolution of
the 15th day of this instant, hath made sufficient provision to pre-
vent a necessity for any person within this province now taking
the oaths for the support of government under the crown of Great
Britain, and that it is the opinion of this convention, that it is not
necessary that the exercise of every kind of authority under the
said crown should be now totally suppressd in this province, and
all the powers of government exerted under the authority of the
Resolved, That the honorable Matthew Tilghman, Esq., and
Thomas Johnson, jun., Robert Alexander, Samuel Chase, Robert
Goldsborough, William Paca, Thomas Stone, and John Rogers,
Esquires, deputies now re-elected by ballot to represent this pro-
vince in congress, be, and they or any three or more of them are,
empowered to represent this province in congress until the end of
the next session of convention, as fully as they might, until the
end of this session of convention have done the same, under their
former appointment.
Resolved unanimously, That as this convention is firmly persuad-
ed that a re-union with Great Britain on constitutional principles
would most effectually secure the rights and liberties, and increase