from the committee appointed to consider of the resolution of con-
gress of the 15th instant, and report thereon; which was read and
ordered to lie on the table.
Ordered, That the committee of claims estimate and report to
the convention a proper allowance to the surgeons and adjutant,
who attended the minute companies commanded by the captains
James Kent and William Henry, when ordered on duty to the as-
sistance of Northampton and Accomack counties in Virginia.
Ordered, That the petition of the lieutenants Uriah Fotrest,
William Spring Bowie, and Benjamin Brooks, against captain John
Gunby, be postponed for consideration till to-morrow.
On reading a second time the petition of the freemen belonging
to the 29th battalion, and consideiing the same, Resolved, that it be
On motion, Resolved, That the council of safety be empowered
immediately to contract with proper persons to raise the vessels
lately sunk in Patapsco river for the preservation of Baltimore
town; and to rig and put those vessels in the same state that they
were before they were sunk. And the said council of safety for
the time being be also empowered to appoint proper persons, not
less than three, who on oath shall ascertain and return the dif-
ference of value, if any, of the same vessels, occasioned by the
sinking thereof. And that the same council of safety pay the ex-
penses of laising the said vessels and putting them in order as
aforesaid, out of the public money, as well as any actual expenses
incurred by the owners for wages and maintenance of the crews of
the said vessels, and a reasonable monthly allowance for the time
the vessels have been and shall be out of the possession and power
of their owners.
The order of the day for taking into consideration the late inter-
cepted letters to governor Eden, the proceedings of the continen-
tal congress, and the council of safety of this province, thereupon,
being read, Ordered, That the same be referred for further consid-
eration till to-morrow.
Convention adjourns till to-morrow morning, 9 o'clock.
TUESDAY, May 21, 1776.
Convention met. All members present as on yesterday. The
proceedings of yesterday were read. Mr. Tyler appeared in the
Ordered, That the treasurer of the western shore pay to captain
William Henry five hundred and forty-four pounds fifteen shillings
and six pence, to discharge the pay and subsistence of his minute