in form afd Assigned Prays a Day to the Same Errors to Imparle and he hath
it and Thereupon Day is given to the partys afd before the Govr and Council
afd untill the thirteenth Day of Octr thereafter To Witt the Sd Pryor Small-
wood to the Errors afd to Imparle and then to the Errors afa to rejoyn
At Which St Thirteenth day of October before his Lordships high Court
of Appeals afd at the City of Annapolis afd Comes as well the Said Pryor
Smallwood by Wm Beckingham his Attorney as the Sd Daniel Bryan by Ed-
mond Jennings his Attorney and the afd Pryor Smallwood Saith that neither
[741] in the Record and process afd nor in the Matters therein Contained
nor in rendering the Judgment afd it is in anywise Erred And Likewise prays
that his Said Lordships Court of Appeals and Errors here proceed to
the Examination as well of the Record and process afd as of the Matter ar3
above for Error Assigned And that the Judgmt afa in Every thing may be
But because his Lordships Court of Appeals and Errors here of render-
ing their Judgmt of and upon the premisses are not as yet advised day is
thereof given to the parties afd Before his Lordships Govr and Council afd
from the Sd thirteenth day of October at the City afd Untill the thirteenth
Day of February thereafter being the Second Tuesday of the Same Month
Anno Dom Seventeen hundred and Twenty Seven to hear their Judgmt of
and upon the premisses.
At Which Said Thirteenth day of February before his Lordships high
Court of Appeals at the City of Annapolis afd Comes as well the Said Daniel
Bryan by his attorney as the Sd Pryor Smallwood by his Attorney afd but be-
cause his Sd Lordships High Court of Appeals and Errors now here of their
Judgmt afd of and upon the premisses to render are not yet advised further
Day is given as well to the Sd Daniel Bryan as the afd Pryor Smallwood from
the Said thirteenth Day of February at the City of Annapolis afd Untill the
first Tuesday of July Next being the Second day of the Same Month Anno
Domini Seventeen hundred and Twenty Eight to hear their Judgment of
and upon the Premisses for that his Said Lordships Court of Appeals are not
as yet advised.
At which Sd first Tuesday of July last mentioned before his Lordships
Govr and Council afd Sitting as a Court of Appeals and Errors at the City afd
Comes the partys af" by their Attorneys aforesaid Whereupon all and Singu-
lar the premisses by the Court being Seen and fully understood and Dili-
gently Examined and Inspected and Mature Deliberation being thereupon
had It Seems to the Said Court of Appeals and Errrs now here that in the
Record and Process afd As also that in rendering the Judgmt afd that it is
manifestly Erred It is therefore Considered that the Judgment afd for the
Errrs afd above assigned be Revoked Annulled and altogether held for none
And that the Said Daniel Bryon to every thing which by occasion of the Judg-
ment aforesd hath lost be thereunto restored And moreover It is Considered