of Charles County that he Cause to Come before the Justices of the Provl
Court at Annapolis the third Tuesday of October next or before the Justices
appointed to Take the Assizes in his County if they Shall before that Time To
Witt on Monday the Twenty Sixth Day of September Next to the County
Court house in his County Come Twelve good and Lawfull men of his Baily-
wick by whom etc. Who neither To recognize etc. because as well etc.
Afterwards the process continued between the parties afd on the plea afd
by the J ury being put thereon in Respect here Untill the third Tuesday of
October Next Unless the Justices of his Lordship the Lord propry to Take
the Assizes in the Said County Assigned on Monday the Twenty Sixth Day
of Septr next to the County Court house in the Said County Should Come
At Which St Third Tuesday of Octr To Witt the Eighteenth Day of the
Same Month Anno Dom 1726 before his Lordships Justices of the Provl
Court at Annapolis Comes as well the Sd Danl Bryon as the Sd Pryor Small-
wood by their Attorneys afd and the Same Danl Bryon the Record afd by him
in his Declaration afd alledged at the Same Day here in Court hath not but
therein hath failed upon Wcb the Court here having fully Understood all and
Singular the Premisses and mature Deliberation thereof having had. It is
Considered by the Justices here the Day and year Last mentioned that the
afd Pryor Smallwood the matter in the Declaration afd mentioned Concern-
ing the Record of the Recovery therein mentioned go thereof without Day
and that the Sd Danl Bryon touching the Record of the Recovery afd in the
Deci afd mentioned be in Mercy for his false Clamour, and in the Same Court
or Term the Justices of Assize before whom etc. Sent here their Record be-
fore them had in these words Vizt
Afterwas To Witt the Day and place above mentioned before Thos Ad-
disson Esqr one of his Lordships Justices of the Provl Court of the province
afd and Philip Lee Esqr one other of the Justices of the Said Court Assigned
to Take the Assizes in Charles County According to the form of the Statute
etc. Came the within named Daniel Bryon by Edmond Jennings his Attorney
and the Said Pryor Smallwood by Daniel Dulany his Attorney and the Jurors
of that Jury Whereof mention is above made being Called Likewise Come
To Witt Robert Yates, Thos Stone, Junr John Clark Charles Musgrave John
Chandler, Thos Mathews, Edward Ford, John Maddox Mark Penn Benja
Douglass Chas Yates and Roger Fouks who being Duly Elected Tryed and
Sworn to Say the truth in the premisses upon their Oath do Say That we of
the Jury find that John Cane was Seized of the Land in Dispute and that he
had a grant for the Same in the following words
Caecilius Absolute Lord and Propry of the Provinces of Maryland and
Avalon Lord Baron of Baltemore etc. To All Persons to whom these presents
Shall Come Greeting in Our Lord God Everlasting Know Ye that Wee for
and in Consideration that John Cane of this Province Planter hath due unto
him Two hundred and fifty Acres of Land for Transporting Mathew Sanders