if Judgment be thereof rendered then the Record and Process af? wth all
things thereunto relating to us under your Seals Distinctly and openly you
Send and this Writt So that we have the Same before our High Court of
Appeals Now held at the City of Annapolis Before our Governour and Coun-
cill that the Record and Process afa being Inspected we may further do
therein for the Correcting that Error what of right and According to the
Law and Custome of Great Brittain and this our Province Ought to be Done
Wittness our Self at the City of Annapolis afd this 13th Day of Febry in the
13th year of our Dominion etc. Annoque Dom 1727
(Will Beckingham) Rd Claggett Regr
The Answer of William Lock Esqr one of the Justices within mentioned
and his Associates. The Record and Process in the within Writt mentioned
with all things thereunto relating is Certifyed in the Record hereunto
Annext Test Vachel Denton Clk Cur Provin
In The Record and Proceedings of the Provl Court of the Province of
Maryland Amongst other things is Contained as followeth Vizt
MARYLAND sst At a Provinciall Court held at the City of Annapolis in
the County of Annarundell for the Province of Maryland on the third Tues-
day in July being the 15th Day of the Same Month in the third year of the
Dominion of the Right Honrble Charles Absolute Lord and propry of the
Provinces of Maryland and avalon Lord Baron of Baltemore Annoque Dom
Were Present: The Honble Co* Wm Holland Chief Justice; Co* Saml young;
Col Thomas Addison; James Stoddart Esqr, Justices.
Benj" Tasker Sherr Vachel Denton Ct
[W:B:] King and Lord Propry v William Vernon
MARYLAND sst The Jurors for our Sovereign Lord the King that now
is etc. and the Right Honrble the Lord Propry of this Province upon their
Oath do present that William Vernon late of Ann" County planter other-
wise Called William Vernon of the County of Annll Planter [729] The fifth
Day of June in the year of our Lord God One Thousand Seven hundred and
Eighteen at the County afd with force and Arms the Gloss [sic] of a Certain
Nehemiah Birkhead Gent in the Same County being Did Breake Enter and
one Grey Gelding of the price of Ten pounds Sterling of the Proper Goods
and Chatties of the afd Nehemiah Birkhead then and there being found felo-
niously took and Carried Away Agt the peace of our Sd Lord the King that
now is his Crown and Dignity and the good Rule and Government of the Said
Lord Proprietary.
W Bladen Attorney Generall
Wittnesses Thomas Waters f On the Back of the aforegoing Indictm*
Elizabeth Wellman \ was thus Endorst Vizt
Billa Vera Ja Monat foreman