gation to be Void Else to Stand and remain in full force and Vertue in Law
Sealed and Delivered } Robert Gordon [Seale] John Cockey [Seale]
in the presence of J Tho: Cockey [Seale]
M: Macnemara Wm Rogers [Seale]
Henry Donaldson Ja Govane [Seale]
Francis Skirven Pa: Sympson [Seale]
Eodem Die June 3d 1726
[M:M:] Jonath" Forward v [ppa] Thomas Bordley
Be it Remembered that Heretofore To Witt as it appears in the Records
and Entries of this Court To Witt on the Nineteenth Day of May Anno Dom
one Thousand Seven hundred and Twenty Six the following proceedings
from the High Court of Chancery of this Province on an Appeale prayed by
Patrick Sympson Agent of Jonathan Forward for and on behalf of the Said
Forward were transmitted to his Lordships Governour and Council Sitting
as a Court of Appeals and Errors which are as follows Vizt
In the Records and Proceedings of the Chancery Court Amongst other
Things is Contained as follows Vizt
MARYLAND ss. At a Chancery Court held at the City of Annapolis in
Annarundell County on Thursday the 3 ist day of March in the Eleventh year
of his Lordships Dominion etc. Annoque Dom 1726
Present: His Excellency Charles Calvert Esqr Chancellor; The Honble Benja-
min Tasker Esqr Assistant Judge
Jonathan Forward agt Thomas Bordley
Be it Remembred that heretofore (To Witt) the Eighteenth Day of
May Anno Dom one Thousand Seven hundred Twenty and five before the
Honble Richard Tilghman Esq" then Chanixllui uf Maryland and keeper
of the great Seale thereof [685] Came into his Lordships the Right Honble
the Lord proprietarys high Court of Chancery Daniel Dulany Esqr of Coun-
cill with Jonathan Forward of London Merchant and Exhibited his Bill of
Complaint agt Thomas Bordley of the City of Annapolis Esqr
Which Bill followeth in these Words Vizt
To the Honourable Richard Tilghman Esqr Chancellor and keeper of
the great Seale of Maryland
MARYLAND ss. Humbly Complaining Sheweth unto your Honour your
Orator Jonathan Forward of London Merchant That there haveing been Sev-
erall Judgments and proceedings unduly and without any right or Just
foundation obtained and Carried on at Law in the Provinciall and other
Courts of this Province agt your Orator at the Suit of Gilbert Poulson herein
aftpr named "Whereby your Said Orator was had been very much Agi-icvcd