taining and now laid out for Seven hundred and Sixty Nine Acres more or
less to be held of the Mannor of Nanticoke and also one other Tract Surveyed
Surveyed [sic] by Vertue of the Same Warrant and Certifyed as afd Called
Camberlake the Certificate whereof Likewise follows Vizt. Maryland Aprill
the i8th 1675. By Vertue of a Warrant granted unto George Seward from
his Excellency the Captain Generall for One Thousand Acres of Land bear-
ing date the twenty third Day of January 1674 I Thomas Pattison Deputy
Surveyor for the County of Dorchester in the province of Maryland do in
humble manner Certifie that I have laid out by part of the Said Warrant for
him the Said George a parcell of Land Called Camberlake lying on the East
Side of Chespeak Bay in Dorchester County afd Beginning at a Marked Oake
Standing on the Northern Side of a North East Beverdain Branch that issueth
out of the head of Chicacomoco River being the first bounded tree of the
Land Called Sectar and running from thence for Breadth along the Line
of the Said land North West and by West one hundred perches to a marked
Pokhicory from thence running South West and by South one hundred and
Sixty perches from thence running South East and by East one hundred
perches to the Said Branch and So running up the Branch with a Streight
Line to the first Specifyed Markt Oak Containing and now laid out for One
hundred Acres more or less to be held of the Said Mannor of Nanticok But
before the Said George Seward took out Patents for the Same Land he became
So impoverish! by Various misfortunes and losses in his Estate that he had
not wherewithall to pay his Just Debts but was forced to Depart this province
for fear of falling into the hands of Some merciless Creditor and Dying in a
Goale That the Said George having left a Wife and Children in this province
(whereof your Orators father was one and the heir apparent to the Said
George) continued Sometime absent using his utmost Endeavours by In-
dustry and hard Labour abroad to recover his Circumstances that he might
be able to pay what he Owed in this province and return home to his family
but before he had fully Accomplished Such his Designs the Said George dyed
and thereupon the Said Wm Seward your Orators father as Son and heir at
Law to the Said George on Notice of the Said Georges Decease made Appli-
cation to his Lordships Land Office for Patents for the Said Lands pursuant
to the Certificates of Survey thereof. But So it hapned may it please your
Excellency that a Certain Thomas Smithson of Talbot County and Thomas
Smithson of Dorchester County had prevented the Said William by prefer-
ring to his Lordship in the absence of the Said George a Petition with many
false Suggestions therein upon which was issued the following Warrant Vizt.
MARYLAND ss. Whereas George Seward late of Dorchester County had
Surveyed and laid out for him three Severall Tracts of Land lying in the Said
County the one for 769 acres called Sectar another for 100 Acres called Cam-
berlake and the other for 50 Acres called hardgrove, and Whereas Thomas