And therefore and for Severall others Errors appearing by the Said
Decree and proceedings the Said Appellant humbly appeale from the Said
Decree in Chancery to this Honrble Court and humbly hope that the Same
will be reversed and Set Aside And that the Patents afd be Again Sealed and
put in the Same plight they were in before the Said Decree was made And
that the Appellants may be restored to all that they have lost by the Said
Decree And Humbly hopes your Honours will order Summons to the Said
To appear your Honours to answer the premisses by a day for that purpose
to be appointed by this Honrble Court
J. George per Applt And as in Duty Bound they'l pray etc.
To his Excellency John Hart Esqr Capt Generall and Governour of
Maryland and Keeper of the great Seale thereof
In all humble manner Complaining
Sheweth unto your Excellency your Suplicants and daily Orators Mary
and Anne Seward Daughter and Coheirs of Wm Seward late Deced being
Minors Under the Age of Twenty one years by Benjamin Woodward of
Dorchester County Planter and Mary his Wife formerly the Wife of the
Said William Seward late of Dorchester County Deced their Next friends.
That Heretofore To Witt on or about the 23 day of January Anno Domini
1674 Your Orators Grandfather George Seward duly paid for purchased and
obtained his Lordships the then Lord proprietarys Common Warrant for
taking up and Surveying One Thousand Acres of Land for his the Said
Georges use and by Vertue thereof had Surveyed for him on or about the
17th day of Aprill 1675 by Thos Pattison his Lordships then Surveyor of
Dorchester County According to the Tenour of the Same Warrant a Tract
of Land lying in Dorchester County Called Sectar layd out for 769 Acres or
thereabouts and procured a Certificate thereof to be Duly made and returned
into his Lordships Land office According to the then Conditions of Planta-
tions where the Same Certificate Remains upon Record and is as follows
Vizt. Maryland Aprill the 17th 1675 by Vertue of a Warrant granted from
his Excellency the Capt Generall unto George Seward for One Thousand
Acres of Land bearing date the 23 Day of January 1674. I Thomas Pattison
Deputy Surveyor for Dorchester County in the Province of Maryland do in
humble manner Certifie that I have laid out by part of the Said Warrt for him
the Said George Seward a parcell of Land Called Seckter laying on the East
Sid of Chespeak bay in Dorchester County afd beginning at a Marked Oak
Standing on the Northern Side of a North East Beverdain Branch that Is-
sueth out of the head of Chicacomico river and running from thence for
breadth North West and by West two hundred and forty perches to another
[653] Markt Oak Standing in the Woods from thence running North East
and by North five hundred and thirteen perches from thence running for
breath [sic] South east and by East two hundred and forty perches and So run-
ning from thence with a Streight Line to the first Specifyed Markt Oak con-