At a Court held before his Exlly the Govrn and his Ldships Honble Coun-
cill for hearing Appeales and [512] Writts of Errors held in the Councill
Chamber in the Port of Annapolis on the third Tuesday in July being the
Seventeenth day of the same month Anno Domi Seventeen hundred and
twenty two.
Present: His Ex}1y Charles Calvert Esqr the Govrn; The Honble Collo Samuel
Young; Collo Richard Tilghman and James Bowles Esqr, of his Ldships
Honb}e Councill
The Court Adjournes till to Morrow morning 11 a Clock.
Wednesday July the Eighteenth 1722 The Court meet According to
Present: His Ex»y The Governour; The Honble Collo Samuel Young; Coll0
Richard Tilghman; Collo Mathew Tilghman Ward and James Bowles Esqr.
Their not being a Sufficient Number of Member's Present to proceed to
business the Court appoints the tenth day of October Next for the finishing
the bussiness of this Court and the Court then to be deemed as a part of this
and the Judgts to be rendred Accordingly the Atfnys of the Court releasing
all Advantages that might be taken by any pretence of Discontinuances by
Post Poning the suits to the time afd
Wednesday October the 10th Anno Domi 1722.
The Court meet according to Adjournment.
Present: His Extty Charles Calvert Esqr Governour; The Hono*6 Collo Samuel
Young; Collo Richard Tilghman; Collo Tilghman Ward; James Bowles Esqr;
John Rousby Esqr.
The Court Adjourns untill to Morrow Morning Eight of the Clock.
Thursday Octobr the nth 1722. The Court meet According to Adjournm1
Present as before. The Court Adjourns untill tomorrow morning. [513]
Friday October the 12th 1722. The Court meet According to Adjournment.
Present as before. The Court Adjourns untill tomorrow morning. Satur-
day October the 13th 1722. The Court meet According to Adjournmt. Pres-
ent as before. The Court Adjourns untill Munday morning. Munday Oc-
tober the 15th 1722. The Court meet According To Adjournment. Present
as before The Court Adjourns untill tuesday morning. Tuesday October
the 16th 1722. The Court meet According to Adjournmt Present as before.
The Court Adjourns untill Wednesday morning Wednesday October the
17th 1722. The Court meet According to Adjournmt Present as before.
The Court adjourns untill tomorrow morning. Thursday October the 18th
1722. The Court meet According to Adjournmt Present as before. The
Court Adjourns untill to morrow morning. Friday October the 19th 1722
The Court mppt arrnrHing to adjournment Present as before The Court ad
journs untill to morrow morning Saturday October the 20th 1722. The
Court meet According to Adjournmt Present as before. The Court adjourns
untill monday Morning next. Monday October the 22d 1722. The Court