peales hereof their Judgmt of and upon the premisses to render is not yet ad-
vised day thereupon is given to the said Parties before his said Ldships Court
of Appeales from the said twentyth day of April untill the twenty first day of
July Anno Domi Seventeen hundred and twenty one
At which said twenty first day of July Anno Domi Seventeen hundred
and twenty One Before his Ldships Court of Appeales at Annapolis Came
the said John Ward by his Atfny afd who prayed that the Appealee might
be Ordered to give in an Answer to the Petition and Appeale afd in Writing
According to the Prayer of the Petition within Six weeks after the Adjourn-
ment of the then Court. And thereupon the said Cause was Continued till
the Seventeenth day of October thereafter Anno Domi Seventeen hundred
and twenty one.
Thereafter on the first day of August Anno Domi: Seventeen hundred
and twenty One The said Nathaniel Hynson gave in the following Answer.
The humble answer of NathH Hynson Gent: on the behalf of his Nephew
Nathan" Hynson to the Humble Petition and Appeale of John Ward of
Cecill County Appeallant against a Decree made in the Court of Chancery.
This Respondant Saith that he this Respond' Exhibited his Bill of
Complaint into the High Court of Chancery on behalf of Nathaniel Hynson
then a Minor as Gaurdian and next friend of said Nathaniel the Minor about
the time mentioned in the Petition of the Appellant And Sayth that John
Hynson mentioned in said Petition in right of his Wife Mary the Daughter
of John Stoops was Seized in fee of five hundred Acres of Land or thereabouts
called the worlds End [503] And as this Respondt beleives was Originally
Surveyed for and Pattented in the Name of one Francis Child about the year
Sixteen hundred and Sixty five [1665] Butted and bounded as is Set forth in
the Appellants Petition which said Land according to the bounds thereof
Containes about five hundred Acres of Land And the whole thereof as this
Respondt beleives is now become the right of said Nathaniel Hynson the son
of the said John Hynson by sundry decents And saith that John Hynson
father of the said Nathaniel Hynson Nephew to this Respondt had Consid-
erably Improved the said Land And sayth that the Appealant after the Death
of the said John Hynson after a Secret manner applyed himself to Charles
Carroll Esqr at that time my Lords Agent for Land Affairs by his Petition
or Other Suggestion to which for better Certainty this Respondt referrs to
the Record thereof in the Land Office seta forth that one Jane Martingcm a
foriegner being a Sweed by Nation upon the twenty day of September Six-
teen hundred Sixty one had Surveyed and Laid out for her a parcell of Land
in Cecill County called martinson Containing fifty Acres but no Letters Pat-
tents having Issued thereon the said Martinson dying an Alien and without
issue the said Ward pray'd the preemption thereof as being most Convenient
for him which last Suggestion is untrue And this Respondant to the best of
his Remembrance has been informed that the said Ward Suggested to my