by the water side and a gum standing a Space from the water and further this
Depont saith not taken by us the Day and year within Written
Ephr* Agust Herman
John Jewart.
[499] The Deposition of Benjamin Peirce of Cecill County Gent: Aged
thirty four years or thereabouts Deposeth and Saith that about nine years
agoe he was Enquiring of John Stoops Senr were the first bound tree of a tract
of Land called Urinson stood and the said Stoops told him that it was on a
point near the mouth of hens Island Creek and this Depont saith that the said
Stoop told him that the said Tree was gone but that the said tree did stand
on the bank of the River and that there stood a gum a back of the said Tree
sume small distance and the said Stoop said there was a Cedar stood under the
bank Opisit to the said gum and by them marks the said Depont should find
were the above bounded tree stood which this Depnt never went to Look for
un till the 31st day of October 1719 being on a Saturday and not being di-
rected by any Person otherwise than by the above said Stoops at the above
said time the said Depont went to the Spott were Thomas Boyeth upon his
Oath sayeth the bounded tree was and there and further the said Depont
being asked by Collo ward Deft whether the Depont heard were the Second
bound tree of the Land called Urinson stood this Depont Answer'd that he
always heard that the Second bounded tree of Urinson stood where now
stands a Cedar post at the west Side of a valley by Sassafras River and in the
pasture of John Hynson Deced and that the Depont always heard that where
the post now Stands was the first bounded Tree of a Tract of Land called the
worlds End and the second bounded tree of Urinson afsd and further this
Depont Saith not taken before us the year and Day wthin Written
Ephra Augt Herman
John Jawert
The Deposition of Adkey of Cecill County Planter Aged Ninety one
Years or thereabouts Deposeth and Saith that about the place were now
stands a Cedar post John Hynson John Stoops and Severall others told the
said Depont stood the Eastermost bound Tree of Urinson and this Depont
saith that he saw the said Bounded Tree (being a Hiccory) after it was blown
down [500] The top broke of And further being asked whether he under-
stood the said tree was the Begining tree of the Land Called the worlds End
Answered no and further saith not taken by us the 6th day of November 1719.
All the said Depositions taken by us on the said Lands therein mentioned
both Plantiff and Defent being Present.
The Depos of
Otho Othosen
Thomas Priar
Thos Boyeth
Benja Pearce
John Adkey
Given from under our hands and
Seales this 6th day of November 1719
Ephra Augst Herman
John Jawert.