the ballance due to the deft and about the Same time the Said Complt de-
sir'd the Deponant to bring the defendts Acct agt the Complt wth him, upon
[405] Which the Defendant Sent the papers hereto annext No i: and 2, and
the Depo being askt by the Comp" whether (at the time the Def delivered
the afd Papers No 1. and 2) he Said there was any other Sume due to him
then what was Mentioned in Said Papers Saith No, but that he often heard
the Defendant Say that he Expected amends for his the Said Complainants
not Complying wth his whole note to Mr Brice for a large Sume, but whether
the Defendant told him so at that time or no he Cannot Remember, but has
often hear'd the Said Defendant Complain of the Complt not Complying
wth his payments in Genll, and that he Expected Satisfaction for Such Disap-
pointments or words to that Effect And this Deponent being further Askt
by the Complaint whether after the bringing the papers No 1. and 2, he sent
him to Go or do his Endeavour to Get tobacco in order to pay the Deft, An-
swereth and Saith That the Complt did Send him this Depont to Get Some
Tobo for the Defendant and that he Accordingly made the Said Defendant
Severall paymts and particularly 8. hhd" wch was reed by Samuel Dorsey and
wch was the last payment, and the Deponant further Saith that the Said De-
fendt Said that upon payment of the Said Hhds of Tobo (tobo being Scarce)
he Should not Expect more that year, but that the Said Defendant desir'd
this Deponant to Get as much more (that year, but that the Said Def) as he
Cou'd and that the Complt then Desired this Deponant to pay the Def all
Tobo that year as he possibly Could, but this Deponant further Saith that
he Cou'd Get no more that year in his Walks.
The Deponant being Examined to the 9th Inter Says he knows noth-
ing of it.
To the ioth Saith That he Remembers Mr George Middleton and himself
on or about the 24th Decr 1714 Carryed from the Complt to the Defendt Some
Money and that he beleives the Sume to be to be [sic] 8o pounds or there
abouts Currency, and further Deposeth that he beleives a paper now pro-
duced No. 5 is a Copy of a Letter then Sent by the Complt. to the Defendt
[406] By the Said Deponant and Mr George Middleton, and that a paper
likewise produced No 6 is an answer thereto. And further Saith that he
hear'd the Complt. Say at the Same time, that the Said money was in full for
the paymt of the Balla of Accts as he the Said Complt made it, and that he this
Deponant understood that if the Said defendt had reed Said Money he was to
allow 8s 4d per hundred, And further Saith that the Said Defendt wou'd not
Receive the money but Sent it back again to the Complainant by Mr Mid-
dleton and himself and therewth Sent the Said Letter No 6, And being Askt
by the Defendant whether he lookt upon the Said Sume of Money to have
been what was reed by Said Complt for the Defendt Saith he knows Nothing
thereof. And being further Askt whether he knows of the Complts receiv-
ing any money that year Saith he does not. And being further Askt by the