Majr Wilsons time) in Octr 1708 and Continued as Such untill October
To the 3d Saith That the [sic] Cannot remember the Exact price of Publick
tobacco in the years 1708, 1709: 1710, 1711, 1712 and 1713 but remembers
it was at a low rate.
To the 4th Saith That to the best of his knowledge the Complainant gave the
first bond for the due execution of the Sherriffs office after Majr Wilson Some
time in October 1708.
To the 5th Saith That the Complts Sherrivalty Ended Some time [404] in
October 1711 and that Capt Gassaway became Sherr in Same Month and
To the 6th Saith That he as high Sher. of Ann" County arrested the Comp14
by Vertue of a Writ returnable to Aprill Provl Court 1715 and that he heard
the said Bond was put in Suit by the order of the Defendant, and that His
Excy John Hart Esqr arrived in Maryland about the 28th day of May 1714
and about a day or two after produced his Commission as Gov
To the 7th Saith That about the year 1711 he remembers there was a List of
Debts drawn out due in Herring Creek, which list he believes he has Carryed
from the Complt to the Defendant and from the Deft to the Compll, and
that he remembers an order was given at the foot of Said List by the Comp11
to pay the Said Severall Sumes to the defendant, which list and order or a
Copy thereof to the best of his remembrance he left with the Defendant and
knows that Mr Vernon whose name is mentioned in Said List to be Dr 6777*
tobacco or there abouts in the person mentioned in a Note from the Defend-
ant to the Complainant dated Janry the 8th 1712 and No 3 and believes the
said Sume of 6777* tobo mentiond in the List and the 67771 tobacco men-
tioned in the Note are on one and the same account, that he believes the
said List amounted to about 35000 pounds of tobacco, and that he believes
the persons named mentioned in the List now produced is the Same that
were drawn of in Herring Creek hundred.
To the 8th Saith That he has heard the Defendt Say he was Very Willing to
take bills or obligations for Tobacco or bills of Excha of Such of the persons
in the List mentioned as he lik'd and that he never heard that there was ever
any demand made of the Debts in the List aforesaid and that he beleives
the reason that prevented their Settling Accounts together was (as he has
hear'd the Complt Say) because the Defendant Charged him wth Such In-
solvent Debts woh he was not willing to allow of and that he beleives the
reason that the Complt did not pay the ball was because the Defendant
would not allow that Sume to the ball* as the Complt made and that he went
very often wth Messages both from and to as well the Complt as defendant
but as to the Substance of Said Messages he Can't remember, and about the
year Seventeen hundred and twelve he this Depo Carryed an Acct from the
Compll to the Defendt wch amounted to 298171 tobo woh the Complt Said was