Certify to the Honoble President and Councill within mentiond that I
have caused to be made knowne to the Within named Thos Robins of being
and appearing at the day and place Within containd to hear etc. before
Robert Gouldesborough and Jacob Lookerman Gentn two good and lawfull
men of my Balywick as by the within Writt I am Comanded. Foster Tur-
butt Sher And thereupon this Cause is referrd for appearance untill the
next Court.
Att Which said Next Court to Witt the third day of Novr Anno Domini
1712 this Cause is further referrd for appearance untill the next Court Att
Which next Court to witt on the twelfth day of May Anno Domini 1713 came
as Well the said Renatus and Anthony Executors as aforesaid by their Attor-
ney aforesaid as the abouesaid Thomas Robins by Wornell Hunt his At-
torny wrho by his said Attorney prays leave to Imparle hereunto untill next
Court and he hath it and the same day is given the plantiffs also
Att Which said next Court to witt on the twenty Seaventh day of Oc-
tober Annoque Domini 1713 came again the partys aforesd by [282] their
Attorneys aforesaid and day is further given the said Partys in this behalf
Untill next Court.
Att Which Said next Court to witt on the Fifteenth day of Aprill Anno-
que Domini 1714 Come againe the partys aforesaid by their Attorneys afore-
said and the Record and process of the Provinciall Court togeather with the
Errors Assigned thereupon being being [sic] read and heard and by the Court
here fully understood, It is thereupon considered by the Court here the
day and Year last above mentiond that the Judgment of the Provinciall
Court as aforesaid given against the said Renatus Smith and Anthony Ivey
Executors of the said Robert Smith Esqr deceas'd be reversed set aside and of
no Effect for the reasons aforesaid as Vitious and Erroneous; Whereupon
the said Thomas Robins by Thomas Macnemara his Attorney produces to
the Court here her Majestys Writts of Supaena and Injunction for stay of all
further proceedings herein at Common Law untill etc. Which Is by the
Court here understood etc. thereupon the said cause is continued till next
Court and the Same day is Given to the sd parties Plantiff and defendants
[TM] Sr Edmond Prideaux and Dame Mary Uxr Executrs Sr. Jno Rogers agt
[T:B:] Mary Contee Execrx of Jno Contee
In this cause the Defendants by Thoss Bordley there Attorney[s] appear
and Imparle Untill next Court.
The Court Adjourns to the first Monday after the Begning of the Pro-
vinciall Court in July to Witt to the 19th day of the said Month and thence
per his Excys Commands further Adjourd to the 11th Octobr next and thence
by Further Adjournmts to the 29th Octob
Th Jones Clr ap