brought to A due Execution And whereas the said Phillip Lynes is since de-
ceased as by the Insinuation of William Bladen our Attorney Generall in
our said Province of Maryland (who for ua in this behalfe prosecuteth Wee
have receiv'd Command You that by good and lawfull men of Your bally-
wick You make knowne unto Walter Storey and Michaell Martin Gentn,
Executors of the last Will and Testament of Ann Lynes widdow who was Ex-
ecutrix of the last Will and Testament of the said Phillip Lynes of Charles
County Esqr deceased that they be and appear before the Justices of our
Provinciall Court to be held at Annapolis the third Tuesday of July next to
shew cause (if any they have or for themselves can say why the said Willm
Bladen Gentn our Attorney Generall in our said Province of Maryland for
us and on our behalf Execution against them the said Walter Storey and
Michaell Martin Executors of the said Ann Lynes who was Executrix of the
said Phillip Lynes Esqr deceasd of the debt and costs aforesaid according to
the forme of the recovery aforesaid to be leavyd of the goods and chatties
Which were of the said Phillip Lynes at the time of his death in the hands
of the said Walter Storey and Michaell Martin Executors of the said Ann
Lynes deceased who was the Executrix of the said Phillip Lynes Esqr de-
ceas'd remaining to be Administred he ought not to have if to them it shall
seem meet and have You then there the names of those by whom You make
the same knowne and this Writt Wittness William Holland Esqr chief Jus-
tice of our said Court the 17th day of Aprill in the nth Year of our [258]
Reigne etc. Annoque Domini 1712.
W Bladen Attry Genll Jno Beale Clerk
Alt Which said third Tuesday of July to witt the 15th day of the same
Month Anno Domi 1712 being the day of the returne of the said Writt
Comes as well the said William Bladen her Majts said Attorney Generall who
for her said Majesty in this behalf prosecuteth as alsoe the Sheriff of Charles
County to witt Thoms Dent Gentn, who makes returne to the Court here
of the Writt to him directed as aforesaid Endors'd in these words Vizt. As I
am Comanded I Certifye to the within Justices that I have made knowne
to the within named Walter Storey and Michaell Martin Executors of the
Within named Ann Lynes deceased who was Executrix of the within named
Phillip Lynes Esqr deceas'd that they be and appear before the Justices at
the day and place within contained to shew cause etc. before John Dent and
Richard Ten, good and lawfull men as within I am Commanded so answers
Tho Dent Sher
Charles Coty
Whereupon the said Walter Storey and Michaell Martin Executors as
aforesaid by Wornell Hunt and Danll Dullaney their Attorneys come and
pray leave to Imparle hereunto untill next Court and they have it and
the same day is given to the said William Bladen her Majestys said Attorney
Generall who for her said Majesty in this behalf prosecuteth alsoe.
Att Which said next Court to witt the 7th day of October Anno Domini