may be restored and that her Majestys Attorney Generall may answer to the
Errors aforesaid And that the Court of our Lady the Queen now here may
proceed as well to the Examination of the record and process aforesaid as the
matters above for Errors assigned. Th Bordley.
Whereupon William Bladen Esqr her Majestys Attorney Generall for
her Said Majesty appears hereunto and prays leave to plead and answer the
Errors aforesd assigned untill the next Court and its Granted to him [252]
and the same day is Given the Plantiffs Alsoe.
Att Which said next Court to witt on the Twenty Seaventh day of
October Anno Domini 1713 come as Well the said William Bladen Esqr her
Majestys said Attorney Generall as the said Grace Mitchell And Danll Phil-
lips Admrs as aforesaid by their said Attorney and day is further given the
said parties untill the next Court.
At Which said next Court to witt aprill the 15th Anno Dmi 1714 comes
as well Thomas Macnemara Esqr by favour of the Court and at the request
afsd by appointment of Maurice Birchfield Esqr her Majestys Surveyor Genll
of her Customs and now especially admitted to appear for her Majesty in
this behalf as alsoe the said Grace Mitchell and Daniell Phillips Admrs as
aforesaid by their Attorney aforesaid And the said Thos Macnemara Esqr
for and on behalf of her said Majesty produces to the Court here the same
day and Year last mentioned her Majestys Gracious Writt of Supa and In-
junction for stay of all further proceedings at Common Law [or] untill etc.
Which is by the Court here understood etc: Whereupon this cause is Con-
tinued to the next Court and day is given to the parties aforesaid
Walter Storey and Michaell Martin Executors of Ann Lynes who was
Executrix of Phillip Lynes Esqr deed
Her Majesty.
In Error.
MARYLAND ss. Anne by the Grace of God of great Brittain France and
Ireland Queen defender of the Faith etc. To our trusty and Welbeloved
William Holland Esqr chief Justice of our Provinciall Court of Maryland
Greeting because in the record and process and also in the rendring of
Judgment of A plea of debt which was in the Provinciall Court of our Dear
brother the Lord William the third late King of England etc. before Robert
Smith and John Hammond Esqrs Justices of the said late King of the same
Court in the Eighth year of the reigne of the said late King Anno Domini
One Thousand Six hundred and Ninety Six by Writt betwixt our late [253]
Royall Predecessor King William the Third Plantiff and Phillip Llynes
(now deceas'd) defendant Of A certain Debt of One thousand pounds Cur-
rant money of England which the said late King in the same his late Majesty's
Court before the said Robert Smith and John Hammond Esqrs recovered