covered, As well the Sume of Fifty four pounds Eight Shillings and three
pence Sterling the ballance of the debt Aforesaid As Alsoe the Sume of Six
hundred Ninety one pounds of Tobaccoe costs of Suite in that behalf Layd
out and expended whereof the said James Edmondson in his life time was
Convict and whereas alsoe the said Hugh Hall Administrator as afd lately
in our Provll Court of Maryland before Phillip Hoskins Esqr and his Associ-
ates Justices of our said Court by our Writt of Scire facias lately Issueing out
of our Provinciall Court of our Province aforesaid Recoverd against [215]
Magdalen Edmondson Administratrix of all and Singular the goods and
Chatties rights and Creditts of the said James Edmondson deceasd late of
Calvert County Gentn Son and heir of the said John Edmondson as afore-
said as Well the said Fifty four pounds Eight Shillings and three pence the
Debt togeather with the Summe of Six hundred and Ninety one pounds of
tobaccoe Costs aforesaid as the Summe of Six hundred and Forty two pounds
Additionall costs of Suite Accruing upon the said Writt of Scire facias to be
leavyd of the goods and chatties which were of the said James the Son and
heir aforesaid at the time of his death in the hands of the said Administratrix
remaining to be Administred as by the Record and process thereof in our
said Court remaining manifestly appears (which said Magdalen hath since
taken to husband A certain Jacob Lookerman Junr of Dorchester County
Gentn as by the Insinuation of the said Jacob and Magdalen Wee have reed)
Manifest Error has happened to the Great damage of the said Jacob and
Magdalen Administ" as aforesaid as of their complaint wee have receivd
We being Willing in due manner to correct the Error (if any there be and
that full and Speedy Justice be done the said partys in this behalfe Comand
you that if Judgment in the plea aforesaid hath been rendred And the
Awarding Execution upon the Writt of Scire facias Aforesaid Adjudged
then the Record and process as well of the plea as of the Awarding Execution
aforesaid with all things thereunto relating to our President of our Councill
of Maryland and the same Councill sitting as A Court to hear Appeals and
Writts of Error at the City of Annapolis the Eighteenth day of Aprill Instant
under your Seale you distinctly and openly send and this writt that having
Inspected the Record and Process aforesaid and Awarding Execution afore-
said they may further do therein for the Correcting of that Errour what of
right and According to the law and Custom of our Realm of Great Brittain
ought to be done Witness our Self at the City of Annapolis this Nineth day
of Aprill in the 11th Year of our Reigne etc. Annoque Dmi 1712.
Edmd Benson Regr Cane
On the back of the foregoing Writt is the following returne made Vizt
[216] The Answer of William Holland Esqr mentiond in the within Writt
to whom the same Writt is directed Vizt
The Record and Process of the plea whereof mention is made within
with all things thereunto relating to her Majestys President and Councill