The Condition of this Obligation is Such that if the aboue bounden
John Blackmore or his assignes Shall with his above Sd Ship Sail from hence
directly for Some Port of Engd: Wailes o[r] Town of Berwick upon Tweed
and Shall there unload and put on Shoar as Such Tobaccoes as Shall be loaden
on board his Said this prSent Voyage (the danger of the Seas excepted) and
Shall also well and truly pay or cause to be paid their Mata Dues Duties and
Customes due and payable for the Same according to Law and Shall also
within twelve months from the date hereof produce or cause to be produced
here to their Ma" Collector of this Port of Pattuxent a Certificate from the
Collectr or Cheif Officer of their Maty Customes of Such Port of England
Wales or Berwick as afore Said Where he Shall unloade as afore Said: Then
this Obligation to be Void otherwise to stand remain and be in full force
and Vertue.
Sealed and Deliured in prSence of us. [Seal]
George Plater Thomas Tench [Seal]
Christopher Ch[e]ppard
Which Said Bond and first Reason aforementioned being fully argued
and debated upon by the Councill on both Sides and the Act of Parliamt
produced and read upon which the Said information was grounded, It is the
Judgmt of this Court that the Said bond is not a good bond in Law, accord-
ing to the Said Act and therefore considered by the Court here this day (to
witt the 21st day of May Anno 1695: that the Said Judgmt for the reasons
afore Said be set aside and reversed and that the Said Edwd Randolph who as
well etc: be unto all things (he hath thereby lost) restored.
[17] At a Court before his Exncy the Governr and Councill For hearing Ap-
peales and Writts of Error held the \Qlh day of August 1695: in the 7th Year
of the Reign of our Soveraign Lord King William the Third etc:
Present: His Exncy the Governr etc; The Honrble Coll: George Robotham;
Coll: David Brown; Coll: John Addison; Coll: John Court; Thomas
Brooke Esqr.
Henry Hawkins agt Phillip Lynes
It being Moved by the Deftts Attorney that the Honrble Coll: John Courts
was Security for mr Hawkins the Plantiffe for Prosecuting His Writt[s] of
Error therefore may not be proper to Sit in this Cause, but Mr Lynes the Deft
being here in person does Say that he will take no advantage upon that, but is
willing that the cause may go on notwithstanding, thereupon was order'd to
be Read the proceedings Vize:
William and Mary by the Grace of God of England Scottland France and
Ireland King and Queen Defenders of the Faith etc: To the Justices of our
Provinciall Court of our Province of Maryland Greeting. Because that in
the Record and process as also in the rendring of Judment in a Plea which