[Henry Bayley v. Richard Cooper]
Anne by the Grace of God of Great Brittain France and Ireland Queen
Defender of the faith etc. To the Justices of our Provinciall Court Greeting
because in the Record and process and rendring Judgment of a plea of tres-
pass lately depending before you in our said Court Between Henry Bayley
plantiff and Richard Cooper defendant manifest Error as 'tis said has hapned
to the great damage of the said Richard Cooper as of his complaint We have
receivd We Willing that the Errors if any there be should in due manner be
corrected And full and speedy Justice done to each of the said party's in this
behalf do therefore comand You that the Record and process of the plea and
Judgment aforesaid togeather with all things that relate to the Same before
our Governour and Councill of our said Province at there next meeting to
hear Appeals and Writts of Error at the City of Annapolis [165] under your
hands and Seales distinctly and openly you send that inspection being thereto
had We may cause to be done what According to right and the laws and Con-
stitucons of Great Brittain and this our Province ought to be done in the
premises And have You alsoe there this Writt Witness our Sel£ at the City of
Annapolis aforesaid the twelfth day of July in the Eighth year of Our Reigne
etc. Anno Dmi 1709.
W: Hunt: [Locus Magn Sigil] Robt Hall Regr in Cancy
On the back of the foregoing Writt was thus endorsd Vizt July 13th
1709: Read and Allow'd Jno Beale Clk Prov: Court
In the Records and proceedings of her Majesty's Provinciall Court
amongst other things is thus contained Viz
At A Court of her Sacred Majesty Anne by the Grace of God of Great
Brittain France and Ireland Queen defender of the faith etc. held at the
City of Annapolis in Ann Arundell County for the Province of Maryland
the twenty fourth day of November in the Seaventh year of her said Maj-
estys Reigne etc. Annoque Dmi 1708.
Were Present: The Honoble Phillo Lloyd; Kenelm Cheseldyne, Esqrs Justices
Jno Gresham Junr Sher Jno Beale Clk
Henry Bayley ag{ Richd Cooper
TALBOT COUNTY ss. Be it Remembred that heretofore to Witt the
Sixth day of July in the Seaventh year of the Reigne of our Soveraign Lady
the Queen that now is etc. Annoque Dmi One thousand Seaven hundred
and Eight Richard Cooper of Talbot County was Attached to Answer unto
Henry Bayley of A plea wherefore by force and Arms the close of him the
said Henry he did break And the Grass and herbs there Growing with the
feet of his Servants he did tread down and Destroy And his {ence Railes he
did carry away and other harms to him he did do to the great loss and dam-
age of the said Henry and against the peace etc.