or Inspectors shall be liable for, and answerable to, the old Inspector
or Inspectors,
for all Damage that shall happen to such Tobacco mentioned in the
Lists aforesaid, through his or their Negligence, during the Time of his
their serving as Inspector or Inspectors.
CXLVII. And to
the End that Inspectors may be more careful of the Fire
they may have Occasion for at the Warehouse, to Brand the Tobacco, Be
it Enacted, That if any Warehouse in this Province, shall be hereafter
and it can be made appear to have happened by the Negligence of the Inspector
or Inspectors belonging to such Warehouse, such Inspector or Inspectors
shall forfeit and pay Sixteen Thousand Pounds of Tobacco each, to be recovered
and applied as aforesaid.
whereas no Land has ever been yet surveyed or laid out,
at the late Emerson's, now Maxwell's Warehouse, in Talbot
County, for the
Use of the Public, Be it therefore Enacted,
That the same Justices who
shall be appointed, as herein before directed, to contract for repairing
said Warehouse, shall within One Month after such Appointment, give Notice
to the Surveyor of the County, or some other Surveyor, sufficiently qualified,
to meet them at the said Warehouse, at a Time not less than Five, nor
more than Ten, Days after such Notice give; and the said Surveyor shall
then Survey and Lay out One Acre of Land, for the Use of the Public, adjoining
to the said Warehouse, in such Manner as the said Justices shall direct,
not including the Store-house, or Salt-house, near the same, or going nearer
to them than the public Utility may require, Bounding the same at each
by a good locust Post, well fixed in the Ground; and shall within a Month
after making the said Survey, return one fair Plat and Certificate thereof
the Clerk of the County, to be by him carefully kept, and another to the
Proprietor of the Land, or his Agent, for all which Services, the said
Surveyor shall be allowed at the next laying of the Levy, for the said
County, the Sum of One Hundred Pounds of Tobacco, and no more: And
each Justice the Sum of Sixty-four pounds of Tobacco, and no more.
if either of the said Justices, or the Surveyor, shall neglect his
Duty herein,
he shall forfeit and pay the Sum of Eight Hundred Pounds of Tobacco, to
be recovered and applied as aforesaid.
CXLIX. And be
it Enacted, That every Justice who shall meet at their
respective Court-Houses, and every Justice who shall be Appointed and
in order to agree as aforesaid, or to Try and Adjust the Weights as aforesaid,
shall be allowed the Sum of Sixty-four Pounds of Tobacco, for every Day
he shall necessarily attend in consequence of such Appointments, in the
County Levy; and every Inspector who shall meet and attend the Justices
at the Court-House, shall be allowed Thirty-two Pounds of Tobacco
per Day, in the next County Levy, for his Attendance.
CL. And whereas
it is represented to this General Assembly, that there are
in divers Warehouses in this Province, several Hogsheads of old Tobacco
in the Way of the Inspectors, and have been lying there for many
Years past, and no Owners appear to claim the same: To remedy which
for the future, Be it Enacted, That
the Inspector or Inspectors
of the several Warehouses, shall, and are hereby obliged and required,
on the
first Day of every August Court, during the continuance of this
Act, to return
to the said Court a distinct and fair List of the Marks, Numbers, Tare,
and Nett Branded Weights of every Hogshead of Tobacco, then in their several
Warehouses respectively, that have been Inspected above Three Years, to
lodged with the Clerk of the County; and the Justices are hereby required
cause a Copy of the said List to be immediately set up at the Court-House
Door, advertising the Tobacco therein mentioned, to be Sold on the third
Day of the said Court, if fair Weather, and if not, the next fair Day,
Penalty on
where a
is burnt thro'
their Negligence.
An Acre of
Land to be
laid out for
the Use of the
Public, adjoining
Warehouse in
Talbot County.
Allowance to
Justices and
for extraordinary
Lists of Tobacco
above 3
Years to be
returned to
August Court,
and to be sold
for the Use of
the County.