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Bacon's Laws of Maryland
Volume 75, Page 52   View pdf image (33K)
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Acts made at a GENERAL ASSEMBLY, begun and
    held at St. Mary's, in the Province of Maryland,
    the 13th April, and ended 8th May, Anno Domini
The Hon. CHARLES CALVERT, Esq; Governor.
An Act for the Continuation of Peace with, and Protection of, our Neighbours
    and Confederates, Indians on Choptank River.  Lib. C and WH. fol. 162.
    Lib. WH. fol. 126. and Lib. WH and L. fol. 34.
    N.B.  This act, on Account of the Fidelity of the Choptank Indians, in delivering up some
Murderers, &c. settles upon them, and their Heirs for ever, all that Land on the South Side of
Choptank River, bounded Westerly by the Free-hold, now in Possession of William Dorrington
and Easterly with Secretary Sewall's Creek, for Breadth: And for Length, three Miles into the
Woods.  To be held of his Lordship, under the yearly Rent of six Beaver Skins; and is confirmed
among the perpetual Laws, by 1676, ch. 2.  By the Act of 1721, ch. 21, Commissioners
were appointed for ascertaining the Bounds of these Lands:  And the same Lands are confirmed
to them, by the Act of 1723, ch. 18.
Passed 8th of
May 1669.
An Act for Limitation of certain Actions, for avoiding Suits at law.  Lib. C
    and WH. fol. 163.  Lib. WH. fol. 73. and Lib. WH and L. fol. 35.  EXP.
    For 3 Years, &c.  Continued by various reviving Acts, till 1692, when a new Act was made
        ch. 35.
An Act for the providing sufficient Freight and Carriage for the proper Goods
    and Commodities of his Lordship the Lord Proprietary of this Province, and of
    the Governor of this Province, for the Time being.  Lib. C and WH. fol. 165.
    Lib. WH. fol. 76. and Lib. WH and L. fol. 36.  EXP.
For 3 Years, &c.  An continued by various reviving Acts, till the Revolution.
Petition of Garret Vansweringen, Barbara de Barrette, Wife of the said Garret,
    Elizabeth Vansweringen, and Zecharias Vansweringen, Children of the said
    Garret and Barbara; Isaac de Barette, Robert Roelands, Jean Jourdain,
    John Vanheeck, Charles de la Roche, and Peter Johnson; all Residents and
    Inhabitants of this Province.  Lib. C and WH. fol. 169.  Lib. WH. fol.
    127. and Lib. WH and L. fol. 39.  PR.
Viz.  Naturalization.
An Act limiting the Extent of Attachments, and providing what shall be levied
    upon attachments and Executions.  Lib. C and WH. fol. 172.  Lib. WH.
    fol. 80. and Lib. WH and L. fol. 41.  EXP.
For 3 Years, &c.  Continued by several reviving Acts.  A new Law made 1683, ch. 2.
An Act for recording the Journal of the lower house.  Lib. C and WH. fol. 
    175.  Lib. WH. fol. 130. and Lib. WH and L. fol. 43.  REP.
Confirmed 1676, ch. 2.  A new law 1684, ch. 4.
An Act providing what shall be good Evidence to prove foreign Debts.  Lib. C
    and WH. fol. 175. Lib. WH. fol. 84. and Lib. WH and L. fol. 43.  EXP.
    For 3 Years, &c.  Continued by several reviving Acts, till 1692, when a new law was made,
        ch.  50.
An Act for Encouragement of such Persons as will undertake to build Water-Mills.
    Lib. C and WH. fol. 179.  Lib. WH. fol. 127. and Lib. WH and
    L. fol. 45.  REP.
Confirmed by 1676, ch. 2.  A new Act 1692, ch. 70.
An Act limiting Ordinary Keepers.  REP. 1676, ch. 2. Ditto.
A new Act 1674, ch. 17.
An Act for reviving certain laws, within this Province.  REP. 1676, ch. 2. Ditto.

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Bacon's Laws of Maryland
Volume 75, Page 52   View pdf image (33K)
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