SAMUEL OGLE, Esq; Governor.
1747. |
An Act enabling and requiring the Clerk of Baltimore County
Court, to record a
Deed of Bargain and Sale, from Morgan Murray
Mary Stevenson, and the
making valid the same. Lib. B.L.C.
fol. 406. PR. |
Passed 11th
July 1747. |
An Act impowering the Vestry-men and Church-wardens of All-Saints
Prince George's County, or of the County
wherein the said Parish shall be, to
purchase Three separate Acres of Land in the
said Parish, whereon to build a
Church, and Two Chapels of Ease: And to
impower the Justices of prince
George's County, or of the County wherein the
said Parish shall be, to levy on
the Taxable Inhabitants of the said Parish, the
Sum of Three Hundred Pounds
Current Money, for the a
therein mentioned. Lib. B.L.C. fol. 406.
a Viz.
200 l. for Building the Parish Church at Frederick-Town,
Carrol's Creek; 5o l. towards
Building the Chapel already begun, between Monocasy
and Seneca
Creek; and 50 l. towards
erecting another Chapel between Anti-eatam and
Gannogocheague, &c. |
Ditto. |
An Act to cut off the Entail of Two Hundred Acres of Land, Part
of a tract
of Land called St. Patrick's Hill, lying
in Charles
County; and to invest Thomas
Hussey Luckett, with an Estate in Fee-simple
in the said Land: And
to entail a Tract or Parcel of Land called Waidstone's
Enlargement, and
Part of a tract of Land called Waidstone,
lying in Charles County aforesaid,
in lieu thereof. Lib. B.L.C.
408. PR. |
Ditto. |
An Act continuing an Act, entitled, b An
Act to prevent cutting up Tobacco
Plants, destroying of Tobacco, and Tobacco-houses;
and for ascertaining the Punishment
of Criminals guilty of the said Offences.
Lib. B.L.C. fol. 410. EXP. |
Ditto. |
b 1744, ch. 5,
hereby continued 3 Years, &c.
An Act continuing an Act, entitled, c An
Act for Punishment of Horse-Stealers,
and other Offenders. Lib. B.L.C.
fol. 410. EXP. |
Ditto. |
c 1744, ch. 20,
hereby continued 3 Years, &c.
An ACT continuing an Act, entitled, An Act to prevent the Injuring
of Harbours, within this Province, and for repealing
the Act therein mentioned. Lib. B.L.C.
fol. 410. |
Ditto. |
BE it Enacted, by the Right
Honourable the Lord Proprietary, by and with
the Advice and Consent of his Lordship's Governor, and the Upper
Lower Houses of ASsembly, and the Authority of the same, That
the above
mentioned Act, entitled, An Act to prevent the Injuring of Harbours,
within this
Province; and for repealing the Act therein mentioned; made
at a Session of Assembly
begun and held at the City of Annapolis the twentieth Day of
Anno Domini One Thousand Seven Hundred and Thirty-four, be,
and is hereby
continued, and shall remain and be in full Force for Ever.
Examined and Compared with the Original Act, REVERDY GHISELIN,
The Act of
1735, ch. 6,
An Act continuing an Act of Assembly of this Province, entitled,
An Act for
the more effectual Punishment of certain Offenders,
and for taking from them
the benefit of Clergy. Lib. B.L.C.
fol. 411. EXP. |
Passed 11th
July 1747. |
d 1737, ch. 2,
hereby continued 3 Years, &c.
An Act continuing an Act, entitled e A
Supplementary Act to an Act, entitled,
An Act laying an Imposition on Negroes, and several
sorts of Liquors imported;
and also on Irish Servants to prevent
the Importing too great a Number of Irish
Papists into this Province. Lib. B.L.C.
fol. 411. EXP. |
Ditto. |
e 1735, ch. 6,
hereby continued 3 Years, &c.