1747. |
III. |
by the several Clauses as far as § X; which, together
with the concluding Proviso,
being of a Public Nature, and intended to prevent the
like Accidents for the future are here
inserted, viz. |
Clerks not
to remove
Books, Papers
or Records,
out of
the Public
Offices, &c.
between the
Hours of XI
at Night, and
VI in the
Penalty 10 l.
if prosecuted
in 6 Months. |
X. AND be it further Enacted,
by and with the Authority, Advice and
Consent aforesaid, That for the future, no Clerk or Register
this Province (except Parish Registers) shall at any Time hereafter,
remove, or carry out of their respective Public Offices, or cause or
any Person or Persons to take, remove, or carry out of their respective
Offices, any Books, Papers, or other Records, to their own Houses,
or to
any other Place upon any Pretence whatsoever, and the same to keep,
cause or suffer to be kept out of their respective Public Offices,
at any Time
between the Hours of Eleven at Night and Six in the Morning, under
of Ten Pounds Current Money for every Offence; one Moiety thereof to
Informer, or tot him or her that shall sue for the same, the other
Moiety to
be applied to the Use of the School of the County wherein the Offence
be committed; to be recovered in any Court of Record in this Province,
Action of Debt, Bill of Indictment, Plaint, or Information, wherein
no Essoin,
Protection, or Wager of Law, or more than one Imparlance, shall be
N.B. The Act of 1748,
7, enables the County Clerks, to remove the last Recording
Book for Judgments, with the four last Courts Dockets
and Papers; and the same to keep at
their own Houses, or other convenient Places, for such
Time as to them shall seem necessary,
without incurring the Penalties of this present Act.
XI. Provided
always, That all Actions or Prosecutions, in virtue of this
Act, shall be commenced within Six Months next after the Offence shall
Examined and Compared with the Original Act, REVERDY GHISELIN,
Passed 11th
July 1747. |
An Act to remedy some Defects in an Indenture of Bargain and Sale,
made and
executed by Michael Curtis and Sarah
his Wife, late of St. Mary's County,
deceased, to Charles Carroll, Esq; late
of the City of Annapolis, deceased
Lib. B.L.C. fol. 402.
PR. |
Ditto. |
An Act to prohibit the raising of Swine and Geese in Princess-Anne
Somerset County. Lib. B.L.C.
fol. 404.
By this Act (1.)
No Inhabitants of the Town, to keep any Swine or Geese belonging to
themselves or others, except within their own Inclosures.
(2.) Persons convicted of offending
contrary to this Act before any Magistrate, shall pay
Ten Shillings Currency for each Offence,
leviable by Execution, as in case of small Debts, and
to be applied to the Use of the County
School. |
Ditto. |
An Act to prohibit the raising of Swine and Geese in the Town of
in Talbot
County. Lib. B.L.C. fol. 404.
By this Act (1.) No Inhabitant
of the Town, to keep any Swine or Geese belonging to
themselves or others, except within their own Inclosures.
(2.) Persons convicted of offending
contrary to this Act before any Magistrate, shall pay
Ten Shillings Currency for each Offence,
leviable by Execution, as in case of small Debts, and
to be applied to the Use of the County
School. |
Ditto. |
A Supplementary Act to the Act, entitled, An Act for laying out
the Town a-new,
commonly called Snow-Hill Town, in Somerset
Lib. B.L.C. fol.
N.B. The
Original Act of 1742, ch., 11, having directed the Plat of the Town,
and Proceedings
of the Commissioners to be lodged with the Clerk of Somerset
County, which (by reason
of the late Division of that County) might make it very
inconvenient to the Inhabitants of
Snow-Hill Town to resort to the Clerk of Somerset
County, for making the necessary Searches, &c.
the present Act directs, (1.) That the Record-Book
of the Proceedings of the Commissioners,
and Plat of the Town, shall be transmitted to the Clerk
of Worcester
County, to be lodged among
the Records of the said County, &c. (2.)
That no Person living within the said Town,
hall, on any Pretence, keep any Swine or Geese, belonging
to themselves, or any other, within
the same Town, unless within their own Inclosures, under
Penalty of Ten Shillings Current
Money for each Transgression; to be recovered before
any Magistrate as in the case of small
Debts, for the Use of the County-School. |